Display locations as cards

This sample demonstrates how to use the manifest to extend a web template to display locations on a web page in a card format.

Web template component as a location card.

How to create a web template component to display locations

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Create a table in your environment with the matching columns (name, address, and link).
  2. Copy the table's logical name.
  3. Create a few sample records on the new table.

Step 2: Set up the web template

  1. Copy the source code into a new web template in your environment. See How to create a web template component for more details.

    {% fetchxml locationsQuery %}
      <fetch mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform'>
        <entity name='cr50f_place'>
          <attribute name='cr50f_name' />
          <attribute name='cr50f_address' />
          <attribute name='cr50f_link' />
    {% endfetchxml %}
    <h2>{{ name | default: 'Cards' }}</h2>
    {% assign place_count = count | integer %}
    {% assign column_count = columns | integer %}
    <ul style="list-style:none" class="grid">
      {% for loc in locationsQuery.results.entities limit: place_count %}
        <li class="col-md-{{ 12 | divided_by: column_count }}">
          <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
              <h3>{{ loc.cr50f_name }}</h3>
            <div class="panel-body">
              <p>{{ loc.cr50f_address }}</p>
            {% if footer == 'true' and loc.cr50f_link %}
              <div class="panel-footer">
                <a href="{{loc.cr50f_link}}">Learn more about {{ loc.cr50f_name }}</a>
            {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% manifest %}
      "type": "Functional",
                  "displayName": "Cards",
                  "description": "Custom card component using the table 'Place' as the data source",
                  "tables": [
                  "params": [
                      "id": "name",
                      "displayName": "Title",
                      "description": "Let's give it a title"
                      "id": "count",
                      "displayName": "Count",
                      "description": "No. of items"
                      "id": "columns",
                      "displayName": "# of Columns",
                      "description": "less than 12"
                      "id": "footer",
                      "displayName": "Footer",
                      "description": "Show the footer of the cards"
    {% endmanifest %}
  2. Replace all instances of cr50f with the new table's schema name. This should take care of the fetchXML properties as well as throughout the HTML and {% manifest %}.

Step 3: Use the web template

  1. Add the new web template to the page copy of a page, for example, add {% include 'Cards' %} using the Visual Studio Code for the Web.
  2. Edit and configure the web template's properties in design studio.
  3. Re-use the component across different web pages as needed and repeat the previous step to configure the display based on your requirements.
  4. Select edit data to update records on the newly created table.

See Also