Add or delete a group in a data region in a paginated report (Power BI Report Builder)
Power BI Report Builder
Power BI Desktop
In Power BI paginated reports, add a group to a data region when you want to organize data by a specific value or set of expressions, for display and calculations. A group has a name and an expression that identifies which data from a dataset belongs to the group. For more information about groups, see Understanding groups (Power BI Report Builder).
In a tablix data region, select in the table, matrix, or list to display the Grouping pane. Drag dataset fields to the Row Group and Column Group pane to create parent or child groups. Right-click an existing group to add an adjacent group. By definition, the details group is the innermost group and can only be added as a child group. Right-click an existing group to delete it. Rows and columns on which to display group values are automatically added for you. For more information, see Tables, Matrices, and Lists (Power BI Report Builder).
In a Chart data region, select in the chart to display the drop-zones. Create groups by dragging dataset fields to the category and series drop zones. To add nested groups, add multiple fields to the drop-zone.
Groups are not defined in a gauge by default. The default behavior for the gauge is to aggregate all values in the specified field into one value that is displayed on the gauge. For more information, see Gauges (Power BI Report Builder).
Add a parent or child row or column group to a tablix data region
Drag a field from the Report Data pane to the Row Groups pane or the Column Groups pane.
If you do not see the Grouping pane, on the View tab, select Grouping.
Drop the field above or below the group hierarchy using the guide bar to place the group as a parent group or a child group to an existing group.
The group is added with a default name, group expression, and sort expression that is based on the field name.
Add an adjacent row or column group to a tablix data region
In the Grouping pane, right-click a group that is a peer to the group that you want to add. Select Add Group, and then select Adjacent Before or Adjacent After to specify where to add the group. The Tablix Group dialog box opens.
In Name, type a name for the group.
In Group expression, type an expression or select the expression button (fx) to create an expression.
Select OK.
A new group is added to the Grouping pane and a row or column on which to display group values is added to the tablix data region on the design surface.
Add a details group to a tablix data region
In the Grouping pane, right-click a group that is the innermost child group, but not the Details group. Select Add Group, and then select Child Group. The Tablix Group dialog box opens.
In Group expression, leave the expression blank. A details group has no expression.
Select Show detail data.
Select OK.
A new details group is added as a child group in the Grouping pane, and the row handle for the group you selected in step 1 displays the details group icon. For more information about handles, see Tablix data region cells, rows, and columns (Power BI Report Builder).
Edit a row or column group in a tablix data region
On the report design surface, select anywhere in the tablix data region to select it. The Grouping pane displays the row and column groups.
Right-click the group, and then select Group Properties.
In Name, type the name of the group.
In Group expressions, type or select a simple expression, or select the Expression (fx) button to create a group expression.
Select Add to create additional expressions. All expressions you specify are combined using a logical AND to specify data for this group.
(Optional) Select Page Breaks to set page break options.
(Optional) Select Sorting to select or type expressions that specify the sort order for values in the group.
(Optional) Select Visibility to select the visibility options for the item.
(Optional) Select Filters to set filters for this group.
(Optional) Select Variables to define variables scoped to this group and accessible from any child groups.
Select OK.
Delete a group from a tablix data region
In the Grouping pane, right-click the group, and then click Delete Group.
In the Delete Group dialog box, select one of the following options:
Delete group and related rows and columns Choose this option to delete the group definition and all related rows that display group data. For the details group, if the same row belongs to both detail and group data, only the detail data rows are deleted.
Delete group only Choose this option to keep the structure of the tablix data region the same and delete only the group definition.
Select OK.
Delete a details group from a tablix data region
In the Grouping pane, right-click the details group, and then click Delete Group.
In the Delete Group dialog box, select one of the following options:
Delete group and related rows and columns Choose this option to delete the group definition and all related rows that display group data. For the details group, if the same row belongs to both detail and group data, only the detail data rows are deleted.
Delete group only Choose this option to keep the structure of the tablix data region the same and delete only the group definition.
Select OK.
The details group is deleted.
Verify that after you remove a details row, the expression in each cell specifies an aggregate expression where appropriate. If necessary, edit the expression to specify aggregate functions as needed.
Related content
- Report and group variables collections references (Power BI Report Builder)
- Group expression examples (Power BI Report Builder)
- Filter, group, and sort data (Power BI Report Builder)
- Tablix data region (Power BI Report Builder)
- Tables (Power BI Report Builder)
- Matrices (Power BI Report Builder)
- Lists (Power BI Report Builder)
- Tables, Matrices, and Lists (Power BI Report Builder)