XML device information settings for Power BI paginated reports
Power BI Report Builder
Power BI Desktop
The following table lists the device information settings for rendering Power BI paginated reports in XML format.
Setting | Values | Details |
MIMEType | The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type of the XML file. | |
UseFormattedValues | true false |
Indicates whether to render the formatted value of a text box when generating the XML data. A value of false indicates that the underlying value of the text box is used. |
Indented | true false |
Indicates whether to generate indented XML. The default value of false generates non-indented, compressed XML. |
OmitNamespace | true false |
Indicates whether to omit the default namespace from the XML. If true, the XML does not specify a default namespace. If false, the XML specifies a default namespace with the value of the report's DataSchema property. The DataSchema property defaults to the report name. The default value is false. |
OmitSchema | true false |
Indicates whether to omit the schema location from the XML. The location is the SchemaLocation attribute. The default value of OmitSchema depends on the value of OmitNamespace: If OmitNamespace = False, then OmitSchema = False by default. The user can override the default by setting OmitSchema = True. If OmitNamespace = True, then OmitSchema will function as True regardless of the value explicitly configured for OmitShema. |
Encoding | The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) name of a character encoding that is supported by the .NET Framework. | The default value is UTF-8. Examples of other values include ASCII, UTF-7, and UTF-16. |
FileExtension | The file extension to use for the generated file. | |
Schema | A value of true indicates that an XML schema is rendered. The default value is false. | Indicates whether the XML schema definition (XSD) is rendered or whether the actual XML data is rendered. |