Protect your data
To ensure that sensitive data is not exposed, the process mining capability allows you to remove screenshots and text entries stored during the recording session in the task mining capability. Before preparing your recordings, you can also remove any confidential information in the text or images to further protect your data.
Delete screenshots
To remove screenshots from your recording, follow these steps:
- Open the recording in the process mining capability.
- Select the step that contains the screenshot you want to remove.
- Select Delete screenshot. This procedure removes the selected screenshot from the recording. Make sure to save the changes before exiting the recording.
Remove text
In the process mining capability, you can protect sensitive data by removing it from any text entries recorded during a session. To do this, select the text entry that contains the sensitive information and modify the step description to remove it. For example, you could replace the sensitive data with a generic term or placeholder. Be sure to save your changes before sharing or analyzing the recording.