Get the coordinates and size of a web element
When you automate web applications and web pages, you may need to know the exact location and size of a specific element.
To retrieve this information, create a browser instance and deploy the Get details of element on web page action. In the action's properties, set the Attribute name option to waelementrectangle. The action stores the retrieved values in a text variable named AttributeValue.
The Get details of element on web page action requires a UI element that specifies the web element from which it will retrieve the selected attrubite. You can find more information regarding UI elements in Automate using UI elements.
After retrieving the AttributeValue text value, you have to split it into separate values and convert them to numbers.
To split the text value, deploy the Split text action and separate the values using the comma character (,) as a delimiter. The separated values are stored in a list variable named TextList.
Before converting the texts to numbers, use the Create new list action to create a list that will store the converted numbers in the following steps.
To access each item of the TextList independently, deploy a For each loop.
Inside the loop, use a Convert text to number action to convert the current text item of the loop to number.
Next, use the Add item to list action to store the produced number to the previously created list.
To access the final coordinates and size values later in your flow, use the following notations:
- List[0] - The left point of the web element, relative to the top left corner of the HTML page
- List[1] - The top point of the web element, relative to the top left corner of the HTML page
- List[2] - The width of the web element
- List[3] - the height of the web element
To calculate the right and bottom points of the window, you can use the following expressions:
- %List[0] + List[2]% - The right point of the web element
- %List[1] + List[3]% - The bottom point of the web element
You can find more information about lists and the VariableName[ItemNumber] notation in Variable datatypes.
To find the coordinates of the top left corner of an HTML page, you can use the web browser's instance properties DisplayRectangleX and DisplayRectangleY.
After storing a browser's instance into a variable named %Browser%, use the %Browser.DisplayRectangleX% and %Browser.DisplayRectangleY% expressions to retrieve the X and Y dimensions.
Additionally, you can retrieve the coordinates specifying the center of a web element using the waelementcentercoords attribute in the Get details of element on web page action.