HTTP actions

HTTP actions enable you to interact with APIs and send web requests that perform various operations, such as uploading and downloading data and files.

To send an API request, like POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE, use the Invoke web service action.

In the action's properties, you must populate the service's URL and the appropriate HTTP method. Additionally, you must choose the request and response content type, such as XML and JSON.

The Custom headers and Request body fields depend on the API, and you have to configure them as described in its documentation.

Screenshot of the Invoke web service action.

If the web server requires authentication, populate your credentials in the appropriate fields of the action's Advanced settings.

Screenshot of the advanced settings of the Invoke web service action.

A variable named WebServiceResponse stores the results of the web service request. If the results are files, you can select to save them locally on your desktop.

To download text or files from the web, you can use the Download from web action. This action requires you to populate the URL of the web page or the file and select the appropriate HTTP method.

Screenshot of the Download from web action.

If the web server requires authentication, populate your credentials in the appropriate fields of the action's Advanced settings.

Screenshot of the advanced settings of Download from web action.

A variable named WebPageText stores the downloaded text is stored. If you use this action to download files, you can select to save them locally on your desktop.

Users can download a file from the web using the Click download link on web page action in the Browser automation group.


The Click download link on web page action only works in the Internet Explorer web browser, which has reached the end of its product lifecycle. To find more information about the Click download link on web page action, go to Click download link on web page.

Besides HTTP actions, Power Automate lets users interact with web applications through browser automation actions. Learn more about browser automation actions in Browser automation.

Download from web

Downloads text or a file from the web and stores it.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
URL No Text value The web page or file's URL
Method N/A GET, POST GET Specify how to retrieve a website's information. GET should be used when all information needed is in the URL, and POST to enter more information (passwords, etc.)
Post parameters No Datatable The POST parameters in the form of a datatable with two columns
Save response N/A Get text into variable (for web pages), Save to disk (for files) Get text into variable (for web pages) Specify how the returned data will be saved
File name N/A Keep original file name (specify only destination folder), Specify full path (destination folder + custom file name) Keep original file name (specify only destination folder) Specify whether to keep the original file name of the downloaded file or specify a new name
Destination folder No Folder The folder where the file returned from the web server will be saved
Destination file path No File The full path (folder plus filename) where the file returned by the web server will be stored
Connection timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before giving up
Follow redirection N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to allow the web server to redirect you to another web page or website
Clear cookies N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to clear all cookies created by similar actions during this automation
User agent Yes Text value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100312 Firefox/3.6 Specify which browser identity to be seen as. Some web servers won't allow access unless a browser identity is chosen
Encoding N/A Auto - detect, IBM037: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada), IBM437: OEM United States, IBM500: IBM EBCDIC (International), ASMO-708: Arabic (ASMO 708), DOS-720: Arabic (DOS), ibm737: Greek (DOS), ibm775: Baltic (DOS), ibm850: Western European (DOS), ibm852: Central European (DOS), IBM855: OEM Cyrillic, ibm857: Turkish (DOS), IBM00858: OEM Multilingual Latin I, IBM860: Portuguese (DOS), ibm861: Icelandic (DOS), DOS-862: Hebrew (DOS), IBM863: French Canadian (DOS), IBM864: Arabic (864), IBM865: Nordic (DOS), cp866: Cyrillic (DOS), ibm869: Greek, Modern (DOS), IBM870: IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2), windows-874: Thai (Windows), cp875: IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern), shift_jis: Japanese (Shift-JIS), gb2312: Chinese Simplified (GB2312), ks_c_5601-1987: Korean, big5: Chinese Traditional (Big5), IBM1026: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5), IBM01047: IBM Latin-1, IBM01140: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro), IBM01141: IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro), IBM01142: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro), IBM01143: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro), IBM01144: IBM EBCDIC (Italy Euro), IBM01145: IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro), IBM01146: IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro), IBM01147: IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro), IBM01148: IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro), IBM01149: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro), utf-16: Unicode, utf-16BE: Unicode (Big-Endian), windows-1250: Central European (Windows), windows-1251: Cyrillic (Windows), Windows-1252: Western European (Windows), windows-1253: Greek (Windows), windows-1254: Turkish (Windows), windows-1255: Hebrew (Windows), windows-1256: Arabic (Windows), windows-1257: Baltic (Windows), windows-1258: Vietnamese (Windows), Johab: Korean (Johab), macintosh: Western European (Mac), x-mac-japanese: Japanese (Mac), x-mac-chinesetrad: Chinese Traditional (Mac), x-mac-korean: Korean (Mac), x-mac-arabic: Arabic (Mac), x-mac-hebrew: Hebrew (Mac), x-mac-greek: Greek (Mac), x-mac-cyrillic: Cyrillic (Mac), x-mac-chinesesimp: Chinese Simplified (Mac), x-mac-romanian: Romanian (Mac), x-mac-ukrainian: Ukrainian (Mac), x-mac-thai: Thai (Mac), x-mac-ce: Central European (Mac), x-mac-icelandic: Icelandic (Mac), x-mac-turkish: Turkish (Mac), x-mac-croatian: Croatian (Mac), utf-32: Unicode (UTF-32), utf-32BE: Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian), x-Chinese-CNS: Chinese Traditional (CNS), x-cp20001: TCA Taiwan, x-Chinese-Eten: Chinese Traditional (Eten), x-cp20003: IBM5550 Taiwan, x-cp20004: TeleText Taiwan, x-cp20005: Wang Taiwan, x-IA5: Western European (IA5), x-IA5-German: German (IA5), x-IA5-Swedish: Swedish (IA5), x-IA5-Norwegian: Norwegian (IA5), us-ascii: US-ASCII, x-cp20261: T.61, x-cp20269: ISO-6937, IBM273: IBM EBCDIC (Germany), IBM277: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway), IBM278: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden), IBM280: IBM EBCDIC (Italy), IBM284: IBM EBCDIC (Spain), IBM285: IBM EBCDIC (UK), IBM290: IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana), IBM297: IBM EBCDIC (France), IBM420: IBM EBCDIC (Arabic), IBM423: IBM EBCDIC (Greek), IBM424: IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew), x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended: IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended), IBM-Thai: IBM EBCDIC (Thai), koi8-r: Cyrillic (KOI8-R), IBM871: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic), IBM880: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian), IBM905: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish), IBM00924: IBM Latin-1, EUC-JP: Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990), x-cp20936: Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80), x-cp20949: Korean Wansung, cp1025: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian), koi8-u: Cyrillic (KOI8-U), iso-8859-1: Western European (ISO), iso-8859-2: Central European (ISO), iso-8859-3: Latin 3 (ISO), iso-8859-4: Baltic (ISO), iso-8859-5: Cyrillic (ISO), iso-8859-6: Arabic (ISO), iso-8859-7: Greek (ISO), iso-8859-8: Hebrew (ISO-Visual), iso-8859-9: Turkish (ISO), iso-8859-13: Estonian (ISO), iso-8859-15: Latin 9 (ISO), x-Europa: Europa, iso-8859-8-i: Hebrew (ISO-Logical), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS), csISO2022JP: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI), iso-2022-kr: Korean (ISO), x-cp50227: Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022), euc-jp: Japanese (EUC), EUC-CN: Chinese Simplified (EUC), euc-kr: Korean (EUC), hz-gb-2312: Chinese Simplified (HZ), GB18030: Chinese Simplified (GB18030), x-iscii-de: ISCII Devanagari, x-iscii-be: ISCII Bengali, x-iscii-ta: ISCII Tamil, x-iscii-te: ISCII Telugu, x-iscii-as: ISCII Assamese, x-iscii-or: ISCII Oriya, x-iscii-ka: ISCII Kannada, x-iscii-ma: ISCII Malayalam, x-iscii-gu: ISCII Gujarati, x-iscii-pa: ISCII Punjabi, utf-7: Unicode (UTF-7), utf-8: Unicode (UTF-8) Auto - detect The encoding used for the web page. If the Auto-detect option is chosen, the encoding to be used will be specified by the web server
Accept untrusted certificates N/A Boolean value False Specify whether untrusted certificates will be accepted
Use credentials N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the web server requires authentication. This property refers to HTTP authentication (that is, when the browser displays a popup window asking for user name and password)
User name No Text value The user name for the web server
Password No Direct encrypted input or Text value The password for the web server

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
DownloadedFile File The downloaded file
WebPageText Text value The web page text


Exception Description
Directory doesn't exist Indicates that a required directory doesn't exist
Download from web error Indicates a problem downloading from web

Known issues

  • NTLM Authentication is currently not supported for web requests in Power Automate for desktop.

Invoke SOAP web service

Invokes a method from a SOAP web service.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
Endpoint No Text value The endpoint of the web service
Custom headers Yes Text value The custom headers to be included in the request that will be sent to the web service
Request body No Text value The body of the request that will be sent to the web service
Connection timeout No Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server
Follow redirection N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to allow the web server to redirect you to another web service
Clear cookies N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to clear all cookies previously created by similar actions during this flow
Fail on error status N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the responses of the invoked web service that denote errors will be processed as if they were normal responses (suppressing all exceptions) or will result in the related exceptions
User agent No Text value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100312 Firefox/3.6 Specify which browser identity to be seen as. Some web servers won't allow access unless a browser identity is chosen
User agent Yes Text value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100312 Firefox/3.6 Specify which browser identity to be seen as. Some web servers won't allow access unless a browser identity is chosen
Encoding N/A Auto - detect, IBM037: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada), IBM437: OEM United States, IBM500: IBM EBCDIC (International), ASMO-708: Arabic (ASMO 708), DOS-720: Arabic (DOS), ibm737: Greek (DOS), ibm775: Baltic (DOS), ibm850: Western European (DOS), ibm852: Central European (DOS), IBM855: OEM Cyrillic, ibm857: Turkish (DOS), IBM00858: OEM Multilingual Latin I, IBM860: Portuguese (DOS), ibm861: Icelandic (DOS), DOS-862: Hebrew (DOS), IBM863: French Canadian (DOS), IBM864: Arabic (864), IBM865: Nordic (DOS), cp866: Cyrillic (DOS), ibm869: Greek, Modern (DOS), IBM870: IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2), windows-874: Thai (Windows), cp875: IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern), shift_jis: Japanese (Shift-JIS), gb2312: Chinese Simplified (GB2312), ks_c_5601-1987: Korean, big5: Chinese Traditional (Big5), IBM1026: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5), IBM01047: IBM Latin-1, IBM01140: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro), IBM01141: IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro), IBM01142: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro), IBM01143: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro), IBM01144: IBM EBCDIC (Italy Euro), IBM01145: IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro), IBM01146: IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro), IBM01147: IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro), IBM01148: IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro), IBM01149: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro), utf-16: Unicode, utf-16BE: Unicode (Big-Endian), windows-1250: Central European (Windows), windows-1251: Cyrillic (Windows), Windows-1252: Western European (Windows), windows-1253: Greek (Windows), windows-1254: Turkish (Windows), windows-1255: Hebrew (Windows), windows-1256: Arabic (Windows), windows-1257: Baltic (Windows), windows-1258: Vietnamese (Windows), Johab: Korean (Johab), macintosh: Western European (Mac), x-mac-japanese: Japanese (Mac), x-mac-chinesetrad: Chinese Traditional (Mac), x-mac-korean: Korean (Mac), x-mac-arabic: Arabic (Mac), x-mac-hebrew: Hebrew (Mac), x-mac-greek: Greek (Mac), x-mac-cyrillic: Cyrillic (Mac), x-mac-chinesesimp: Chinese Simplified (Mac), x-mac-romanian: Romanian (Mac), x-mac-ukrainian: Ukrainian (Mac), x-mac-thai: Thai (Mac), x-mac-ce: Central European (Mac), x-mac-icelandic: Icelandic (Mac), x-mac-turkish: Turkish (Mac), x-mac-croatian: Croatian (Mac), utf-32: Unicode (UTF-32), utf-32BE: Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian), x-Chinese-CNS: Chinese Traditional (CNS), x-cp20001: TCA Taiwan, x-Chinese-Eten: Chinese Traditional (Eten), x-cp20003: IBM5550 Taiwan, x-cp20004: TeleText Taiwan, x-cp20005: Wang Taiwan, x-IA5: Western European (IA5), x-IA5-German: German (IA5), x-IA5-Swedish: Swedish (IA5), x-IA5-Norwegian: Norwegian (IA5), us-ascii: US-ASCII, x-cp20261: T.61, x-cp20269: ISO-6937, IBM273: IBM EBCDIC (Germany), IBM277: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway), IBM278: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden), IBM280: IBM EBCDIC (Italy), IBM284: IBM EBCDIC (Spain), IBM285: IBM EBCDIC (UK), IBM290: IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana), IBM297: IBM EBCDIC (France), IBM420: IBM EBCDIC (Arabic), IBM423: IBM EBCDIC (Greek), IBM424: IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew), x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended: IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended), IBM-Thai: IBM EBCDIC (Thai), koi8-r: Cyrillic (KOI8-R), IBM871: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic), IBM880: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian), IBM905: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish), IBM00924: IBM Latin-1, EUC-JP: Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990), x-cp20936: Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80), x-cp20949: Korean Wansung, cp1025: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian), koi8-u: Cyrillic (KOI8-U), iso-8859-1: Western European (ISO), iso-8859-2: Central European (ISO), iso-8859-3: Latin 3 (ISO), iso-8859-4: Baltic (ISO), iso-8859-5: Cyrillic (ISO), iso-8859-6: Arabic (ISO), iso-8859-7: Greek (ISO), iso-8859-8: Hebrew (ISO-Visual), iso-8859-9: Turkish (ISO), iso-8859-13: Estonian (ISO), iso-8859-15: Latin 9 (ISO), x-Europa: Europa, iso-8859-8-i: Hebrew (ISO-Logical), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS), csISO2022JP: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI), iso-2022-kr: Korean (ISO), x-cp50227: Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022), euc-jp: Japanese (EUC), EUC-CN: Chinese Simplified (EUC), euc-kr: Korean (EUC), hz-gb-2312: Chinese Simplified (HZ), GB18030: Chinese Simplified (GB18030), x-iscii-de: ISCII Devanagari, x-iscii-be: ISCII Bengali, x-iscii-ta: ISCII Tamil, x-iscii-te: ISCII Telugu, x-iscii-as: ISCII Assamese, x-iscii-or: ISCII Oriya, x-iscii-ka: ISCII Kannada, x-iscii-ma: ISCII Malayalam, x-iscii-gu: ISCII Gujarati, x-iscii-pa: ISCII Punjabi, utf-7: Unicode (UTF-7), utf-8: Unicode (UTF-8) Auto - detect The encoding used for the web service response. If the auto-detect option is chosen, the encoding to be used will be specified by the web service
Accept untrusted certificates N/A Boolean value False Specify whether untrusted certificates will be accepted
HTTP Authentication N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the web server requires HTTP authentication (that is, the browser displays a popup window asking for a username and password)
User name No Text value The user name for the web server
Password No Direct encrypted input or Text value The password for the web server
Trim whitespaces N/A Boolean value True Enable this option to trim the whitespace at the end of the request body of the web service response

Request Builder Parameters

Argument Accepts Description
WSDL File The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document to build the request with
Service Text value The service to invoke
Port Text value The port to invoke the service
SOAP version Text value The version of the SOAP service
Operation Text value The operation to invoke the service
Request envelope Text value The envelope to send in the request to invoke the service

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
SoapServiceResponseHeaders List of Text values The HTTP headers of the response
SoapServiceResponse Text value The web service response text
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Invoke SOAP service error Indicates a problem invoking the SOAP service
Invalid header in custom headers Indicates that some custom headers were invalid

Known issues

  • NTLM Authentication is currently not supported for web requests in Power Automate for desktop.

Invoke web service

Invokes a web service by sending data and stores the response text.

Input parameters

Argument Optional Accepts Default Value Description
URL No Text value The web service's URL
Method N/A GET, POST, CONNECT, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH GET The HTTP method to be used to invoke the web service
Accept Yes Text value application/xml The acceptable content type for the response of the web service
Custom headers Yes Text value The custom headers to be included in the request that will be sent to the web service
Upload attachments N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the web service will include files to upload
Content type Yes Text value application/xml The content type of the request that will be sent to the web service
Request body Yes Text value The body of the request that will be sent to the web service
Attachments N/A Attachments No attachments selected Select the attachments that will be added to the web request. You can only choose one of the two attachment types (File or Binary).
Attach N/A File, Binary File The type of the attachments that will be sent by the web service
Save response N/A Get text into variable (for web pages), Save to disk (for files) Get text into variable (for web pages) Specify how the returned data will be saved
File name N/A Keep original file name (specify only destination folder), Specify full path (destination folder + custom file name) Keep original file name (specify only destination folder) Specify whether to keep the original file name of the downloaded file or specify a new name
Destination folder No Folder The folder where the file returned by the web service will be saved
Destination file path No File The full path (folder plus filename) where the file returned by the web service will be stored
Connection timeout Yes Numeric value 30 The time (in seconds) that the agent should wait for a connection to be established with the server, before giving up
Follow redirection N/A Boolean value True Specify whether to allow the web server to redirect you to another web service
Clear cookies N/A Boolean value False Specify whether to clear all cookies created by similar actions during this automation before this action
Fail on error status N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the responses of the invoked web service that denote errors will be processed as if they were normal responses (suppressing all exceptions) or will result in the related exceptions
Encode request body N/A Boolean value True Specify whether the body of request should be URL-encoded before invoking
User agent Yes Text value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100312 Firefox/3.6 Specify which browser identity to be seen as. Some web servers won't allow access unless a browser identity is chosen
Encoding N/A Auto - detect, IBM037: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada), IBM437: OEM United States, IBM500: IBM EBCDIC (International), ASMO-708: Arabic (ASMO 708), DOS-720: Arabic (DOS), ibm737: Greek (DOS), ibm775: Baltic (DOS), ibm850: Western European (DOS), ibm852: Central European (DOS), IBM855: OEM Cyrillic, ibm857: Turkish (DOS), IBM00858: OEM Multilingual Latin I, IBM860: Portuguese (DOS), ibm861: Icelandic (DOS), DOS-862: Hebrew (DOS), IBM863: French Canadian (DOS), IBM864: Arabic (864), IBM865: Nordic (DOS), cp866: Cyrillic (DOS), ibm869: Greek, Modern (DOS), IBM870: IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2), windows-874: Thai (Windows), cp875: IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern), shift_jis: Japanese (Shift-JIS), gb2312: Chinese Simplified (GB2312), ks_c_5601-1987: Korean, big5: Chinese Traditional (Big5), IBM1026: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5), IBM01047: IBM Latin-1, IBM01140: IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro), IBM01141: IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro), IBM01142: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro), IBM01143: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro), IBM01144: IBM EBCDIC (Italy Euro), IBM01145: IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro), IBM01146: IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro), IBM01147: IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro), IBM01148: IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro), IBM01149: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro), utf-16: Unicode, utf-16BE: Unicode (Big-Endian), windows-1250: Central European (Windows), windows-1251: Cyrillic (Windows), Windows-1252: Western European (Windows), windows-1253: Greek (Windows), windows-1254: Turkish (Windows), windows-1255: Hebrew (Windows), windows-1256: Arabic (Windows), windows-1257: Baltic (Windows), windows-1258: Vietnamese (Windows), Johab: Korean (Johab), macintosh: Western European (Mac), x-mac-japanese: Japanese (Mac), x-mac-chinesetrad: Chinese Traditional (Mac), x-mac-korean: Korean (Mac), x-mac-arabic: Arabic (Mac), x-mac-hebrew: Hebrew (Mac), x-mac-greek: Greek (Mac), x-mac-cyrillic: Cyrillic (Mac), x-mac-chinesesimp: Chinese Simplified (Mac), x-mac-romanian: Romanian (Mac), x-mac-ukrainian: Ukrainian (Mac), x-mac-thai: Thai (Mac), x-mac-ce: Central European (Mac), x-mac-icelandic: Icelandic (Mac), x-mac-turkish: Turkish (Mac), x-mac-croatian: Croatian (Mac), utf-32: Unicode (UTF-32), utf-32BE: Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian), x-Chinese-CNS: Chinese Traditional (CNS), x-cp20001: TCA Taiwan, x-Chinese-Eten: Chinese Traditional (Eten), x-cp20003: IBM5550 Taiwan, x-cp20004: TeleText Taiwan, x-cp20005: Wang Taiwan, x-IA5: Western European (IA5), x-IA5-German: German (IA5), x-IA5-Swedish: Swedish (IA5), x-IA5-Norwegian: Norwegian (IA5), us-ascii: US-ASCII, x-cp20261: T.61, x-cp20269: ISO-6937, IBM273: IBM EBCDIC (Germany), IBM277: IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway), IBM278: IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden), IBM280: IBM EBCDIC (Italy), IBM284: IBM EBCDIC (Spain), IBM285: IBM EBCDIC (UK), IBM290: IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana), IBM297: IBM EBCDIC (France), IBM420: IBM EBCDIC (Arabic), IBM423: IBM EBCDIC (Greek), IBM424: IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew), x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended: IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended), IBM-Thai: IBM EBCDIC (Thai), koi8-r: Cyrillic (KOI8-R), IBM871: IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic), IBM880: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian), IBM905: IBM EBCDIC (Turkish), IBM00924: IBM Latin-1, EUC-JP: Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990), x-cp20936: Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80), x-cp20949: Korean Wansung, cp1025: IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian), koi8-u: Cyrillic (KOI8-U), iso-8859-1: Western European (ISO), iso-8859-2: Central European (ISO), iso-8859-3: Latin 3 (ISO), iso-8859-4: Baltic (ISO), iso-8859-5: Cyrillic (ISO), iso-8859-6: Arabic (ISO), iso-8859-7: Greek (ISO), iso-8859-8: Hebrew (ISO-Visual), iso-8859-9: Turkish (ISO), iso-8859-13: Estonian (ISO), iso-8859-15: Latin 9 (ISO), x-Europa: Europa, iso-8859-8-i: Hebrew (ISO-Logical), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS), csISO2022JP: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana), iso-2022-jp: Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI), iso-2022-kr: Korean (ISO), x-cp50227: Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022), euc-jp: Japanese (EUC), EUC-CN: Chinese Simplified (EUC), euc-kr: Korean (EUC), hz-gb-2312: Chinese Simplified (HZ), GB18030: Chinese Simplified (GB18030), x-iscii-de: ISCII Devanagari, x-iscii-be: ISCII Bengali, x-iscii-ta: ISCII Tamil, x-iscii-te: ISCII Telugu, x-iscii-as: ISCII Assamese, x-iscii-or: ISCII Oriya, x-iscii-ka: ISCII Kannada, x-iscii-ma: ISCII Malayalam, x-iscii-gu: ISCII Gujarati, x-iscii-pa: ISCII Punjabi, utf-7: Unicode (UTF-7), utf-8: Unicode (UTF-8) Auto - detect The encoding used for the web service response. If the auto-detect option is chosen, the encoding to be used will be specified by the web service
Accept untrusted certificates N/A Boolean value False Specify whether untrusted certificates will be accepted
HTTP Authentication N/A Boolean value False Specify whether the web server requires authentication. This property refers to HTTP authentication (that is, when the browser displays a popup window asking for user name and password)
User name No Text value The user name for the web server
Password No Direct encrypted input or Text value The password for the web server
Trim whitespaces N/A Boolean value True Enable this to trim the whitespaces at the end of the request body of the web service response

Attachments Parameters

Configures the attachments to be added to the web service request. The attachments option is only available for POST and PUT requests, and only when the 'Upload attachments' toggle parameter is enabled.

Argument Accepts Description
Name Text value The name of the attachment
Attachment File The file to be attached
Type File, Name The attachment type

Variables produced

Argument Type Description
WebServiceResponseHeaders List of Text values The HTTP headers of the response
DownloadedFile File The downloaded file
WebServiceResponse Text value The web service response text
StatusCode Numeric value The status code returned


Exception Description
Invoke web service error Indicates a problem invoking the web service
Directory doesn't exist Indicates that a required directory doesn't exist
Invalid header in custom headers Indicates that some custom headers were invalid

Known issues

  • NTLM Authentication is currently not supported for web requests in Power Automate for desktop.