Downloads Hub datasets
These values define the datasets used in the Downloads Hub.
Acquisition and Add-on Acquisition
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
TitleID | The Xbox game or app's TitleID; used as a unique key to identify these titles |
XboxProductID | Product GUID from the Xbox catalogs |
ProductTypeName | Subcategory of the Product Type, example -Game, Add-on, and so on |
TitleName | The Xbox game or app's Title Name |
CatalogID | Indicates store from which the purchase was made, for example, Retail, private company store or cert transactions |
SandboxID | Sandbox ID of the product, for example, Retail, Cert |
SkuID | Is an identifier for which version or platform the product is part of; one product can have multiple SKU for different markets or devices and so on |
SkuTypeName | Name of SkuType (for example: trial, full, rental) |
SkuDisplayName | Display name of the Stock-keeping Unit (SKU), for example, "Free trial," "Rental," and so on |
AvailabilityID | ID that points to the big catalog for availability; it's null for legacy apps |
RegionName | Region of the User who made the acquisition |
CountryName | Name of the Country of User who made the acquisition |
Market | The ISO 3166 country code of the device market |
PaymentType | Defines the type of transaction:
StoreClientName | One of the following strings that indicates the version of the Store where the acquisition occurred:
StoreClientCategory | Categorizes the clients into Native Client, Web Client, Enterprise Store, Test Client |
ParentProductName | Name of primary parent product |
ParentProductID | This is the primary parent product |
XboxParentProductID | Parent product GUID of the parent from the Xbox catalog |
AcquisitionType | One of the following strings that indicates the type of acquisition:
PurchaseTaxType | Type of the applied TAX |
LocalCurrencyCode | Currency Code for list price and purchase price and retail price |
SupportedPlatform | Supported devices values include Mobile device, PC, Xbox One, Hub, HoloLens, and so on |
Age | Age of the user who made the acquisition One of the following strings that specifies the age group of the user who made the acquisition:
Gender | One of the following strings that specifies the gender of the user who made the acquisition:
OsVersion | The OS Version on which acquisition occurred One of the following strings that specifies the OS version on which the acquisition occurred: |
DeviceType | One of the following strings that specifies the type of device on which the acquisition occurred:
DateStamp | Acquisition transaction ID |
PurchaseQuantity | Line-item quantity |
PurchasePriceUSDAmount | Amount the customer paid for the item, converted to USD |
PurchaseTaxUSDAmount | Tax amount applied to the item, converted to USD |
PurchasePriceLocalAmount | Amount the customer paid for the item |
PurchaseTaxLocalAmount | Tax amount applied to the item |
Acquisition Transaction
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
TitleID | The Xbox game or app's TitleID; used as a unique key to identify these titles |
XboxProductID | Product GUID from the Xbox catalogs |
Order ID | The unique ID for the specific order |
ProductTypeName | Subcategory of the Product Type, example -Game, Add-on, and so on |
TitleName | The Xbox game or app's Title Name |
CatalogID | Indicates store from which the purchase was made, for example, Retail, private company store or cert transactions |
SandboxID | Sandbox ID of the product, for example, Retail, Cert |
SkuID | Is an identifier for which version or platform the product is part of; one product can have multiple SKU for different markets, devices, or so on |
SkuTypeName | Name of SkuType (for example: trial, full, rental) |
SkuDisplayName | Display name of the Stock-keeping Unit (SKU), for example, "Free trial," "Rental," |
AvailabilityID | ID that points to the big catalog for availability; it's null for legacy apps |
RegionName | Region of the User who made the acquisition |
CountryName | Name of the Country of User who made the acquisition |
Market | The ISO 3166 country code of the device market |
PaymentType | Defines the type of transaction:
StoreClientName | One of the following strings that indicates the version of the Store where the acquisition occurred:
StoreClientCategory | Categorizes the clients into Native Client, Web Client, Enterprise Store, Test Client |
ParentProductName | Name of primary parent product |
ParentProductID | This is the primary parent product |
ParentProductDisplayName | Display name of the parent product |
XboxParentProductID | Parent product GUID of the parent from the Xbox catalog |
AcquisitionType | One of the following strings that indicates the type of acquisition:
AbstractAcquistionType | One of the following strings that indicates the type of abstract acquisition: - Inferred Purchase - Canceled Preorder - Failed Preorder - Charged Preorder - Purchase |
PurchaseTaxType | Type of the applied tax |
LocalCurrencyCode | Currency Code for list price and purchase price and retail price |
SupportedPlatform | Supported devices values include Mobile device, PC, Xbox One, Hub, HoloLens, and so on |
Age | Age of the user who made the acquisition. One of the following strings that specifies the age group of the user who made the acquisition:
Gender | One of the following strings that specifies the gender of the user who made the acquisition:
OsVersion | The OS Version on which acquisition occurred One of the following strings that specifies the OS version on which the acquisition occurred: |
DeviceType | One of the following strings that specifies the type of device on which the acquisition occurred:
WishlistID | The unique ID of the specific game or app that was Wishlisted |
IsWishlisted | Indicates if a product was wishlisted or not; the possible values are true (for wishlisted products) and false (for nonwishlisted products) |
IsGiftPurchase | Indicates if a purchase was made as a gift in the last 30 days; the possible values are true (for gift purchases) and false (for regular purchases) |
ProductSubTypeName | The subcategory of the product type (for example, Game, Add-on) |
DateStamp | Acquisition transaction ID |
PurchaseQuantity | Line-item quantity |
PurchasePriceUSDAmount | Amount the customer paid for the item, converted to USD |
PurchaseTaxUSDAmount | Tax amount applied to the item, converted to USD |
PurchasePriceLocalAmount | Amount the customer paid for the item |
PurchaseTaxLocalAmount | Tax amount applied to the item |
Channels and Conversion
- A conversion means that a customer (signed in with a Microsoft account) has newly obtained a license to your app (whether you charged money, or you've offered it for free).
- The channel is the method in which a customer arrived at your app's listing page (for example, via the Store or a custom app promotion campaign).
Dataset ID | Description |
Date | The first date in the date range for the conversion data: if the request specified a single day, this value is that date; if the request specified a week, month, or other date range, this value is the first date in that date range |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App. |
InAppProductName | The title of the Game or App |
ApplicationID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
ApplicationName | The title of the Game or App |
CustomCampaignID | A unique CampaignID create for the Custom Campaign; the ID string for a custom app promotion campaign that is associated with the app |
ReferrerUriDomain | Specifies the domain where the app listing with the custom app promotion campaign ID was activated |
ChannelType | One of the following strings that specifies the channel for the conversion:
StoreClient | The version of the Store where the conversion occurred; currently, the only supported value is SFC |
DeviceType | One of the following strings:
Market | The ISO 3166 country code of the device market |
ClickCount | The number of customer clicks on your app listing link |
ConversionCount | The number of customer conversions |
Events Engagement
The way players engage with games changed. Game play shifted from a single purchase, to a game as a service model with longer engagement periods. Creators need a way to connect, engage, and deepen their relationship with their players. Players need a way to easily discover, access, and connect with the creators and games they care about. Events provide a discoverable, frictionless, engaging experience that connects and deepens the relationship creators have with their players and potential players. The Events experience meets the needs of all types of creators and players across the Xbox ecosystem. More importantly, the data of Events becomes more critical to understand the success of investment and make data-informed decisions for future engagement events and strategies. Download Hub provides self-serve access to Events engagement data that can be either downloaded once, scheduled, or accessed by using programmatic APIs. This table lists the metrics we currently offer in our Events engagement data report:
Dataset ID | Description |
DateID | Date for which the data is processed |
ProductID | The reference ID to identify a specific product/game title |
Product Name | Name of the game title that is referred in the Product ID and is part of the event |
EventID | Unique ID that refers to the event in which game title is participating |
EventTitle | Unique name that refers to the event in which game title is participating |
EventCreatedDate | Date when the event was created on the tool |
EventPublishDate | Date when the event was published for player engagement |
EventStart | Event could be created before a timeline and configured to when creators want their players to access; EventStart is the actual engagement start date |
EventEndDate | Date when event is configured to end for player engagement |
Country | Market targeted by the event |
ViewCount | Aggregated number of players who viewed the event |
Interested | Players who shown they're interested by selecting the "Save Event" button |
ViewStoreCount | Aggregated number of players who selected the "View Store" button on the event details page, and viewed the product detail page game associated with the event in Console store |
InterestedAndViewedStore | Players who saved the event and selected the "View Store" button to view the product detail page associated with the event |
EndPoint | EndPoint refers to the location from where players opened the event. Players can launch their event from XboxEventClient, which refers to the xEvents app, or Mercury, which refers to the store on XBOX Console |
ViewClubCount | Aggregated number of players who selected on Official Club button on the event and viewed the Products club page |
LaunchGameCount | Aggregated number of players who selected the Launch Game button on the event |
ViewedEventsAppCount | Aggregated views from players who selected the event and opened the event details page; a player can select an event on Mercury (store on Xbox Console), console home, or on the xEvents console app |
Page | The source page where the player viewed or showed engagement:
Channel | This refers to the channels on the xEvents console app that a player could be viewing, where:
GamePassType | Demonstrates the engagement if a player has a Game Pass subscription or not |
ActiveUser30Days | Provides information on the player state in last 30 days |
WatchCount | This column tracks the video watch counts for all events configured with a live stream |
EventType | This column defines the type of event (like "Announcement," "GameUpdate," "GameTournament," "MultiPlayerSeason") that a creator selected to best describe their event |
EventTheme | This column defines about the theme of the event published that a creator selected to best describe the theme of the event and to indicate user about the purpose of published (like: "Holiday," "MajorSportingEvent," "WorldEvent," "CulturalMoment," and so on) |
AdditionalFeatures | This column defines any other features that a creator selected that helps describes their event beyond the Event Type and Event Theme - for example, if the event had an In-Game Store Sale (StoreSale), Official Game Stream (OfficialGameStream), or New In-Game Item (NewInGameItem) |
TotalCount | The count of each specific row combination in the data set |
Game Pass: Purchase
Contains the information of products that are purchased as part of the Game Pass subscription. It provides data at Subscription level aggregation and is applicable for Console and PC.
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | The unique ID for the specific game that was purchased as part of Game Pass |
GamePassTitle | The title of the game |
MonthYear | The month followed by the year of usage (example: Jan-23) |
Platform | The source platform where the game is played can be either Console or PC |
ProductTypeName | The subcategory of the product type (examples: -Game, Add-on) |
PurchaseQuantity | The quantity of items in the order |
EstimatedRevenue | The amount paid by the game owner either in USD, or converted to USD (before tax) |
Game Pass: Usage
Provides the data report and insights on usage of products (game titles) which are played as part of the Game Pass subscription. The Game Pass provides data at subscription level aggregation, and applies for Console and PC.
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | The unique ID for the specific game that was acquired as part of Game Pass |
GamePassTitle | The title (display name) of the game |
MonthYear | The month followed by the year of usage (example: Jan-23) |
Platform | The source platform where the game is played (either Console or PC) |
UniqueUsers | A unique user is anyone playing the game using a Game Pass entitlement |
TotalHours | The sum of hours users played the game |
HoursPerUser | Derived as part of the above columns (Calculation: TotalHours/UniqueUsers) |
NewUsers | The count of the number of user downloads for a specific month or period of time |
Health: Crashes and Event
Provides information on the health-related information related to crashes and events occurring with console and PC for the Game or App installed.
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
ApplicationName | The title of the Game or App |
Date | The first date in the date range for the error data; if the request specifies a single day, this value is that date; if the request specifies a longer date range, this value is the first date in that date range |
FailureHash | The unique identifier for the Crash/error |
FailureName | The name of the failure, which is made up of four parts: one or more problem classes, an exception/bug check code, the name of the image where the failure occurred, and the associated function name |
Symbol | The symbol assigned to this error |
PackageVersion | The version of the app package that is associated with this error |
PackageName | The unique name of the app package that is associated with this error |
Praid |
App Scope Parsed value values includes App, Game, and so on |
OsVersion | One of the following strings that specifies the OS version on which the error occurred: |
OsRelease | The OS release or flighting ring (as a subpopulation within OS version) on which the error occurred. One of the following strings that specifies the OS release or flighting ring (as a subpopulation within OS version) on which the error occurred: For Windows 11:
For Windows 10:
For Windows Server 1709:
For Windows Server 2016:
For Windows 8.1:
If the OS release or flighting ring is unknown, this field has the value Unknown |
OsArchitecture | OS Architecture values include x64, ARM64, x86, ARM |
DeviceType | One of the following strings that indicates the type of device on which the error occurred:
Market | The ISO 3166 country code of the device market |
EventType | One of the following strings:
SandboxID | Sandbox ID of the product, that is, Retail, Cert |
DeviceCount | The number of unique devices that correspond to this error for the specified aggregation level |
EventCount | The number of events that are attributed to this error for the specified aggregation level |
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
ApplicationName | The title of the Game or App |
Date | The first date in the date range for the install data; if the request specified a single day, this value is that date; if the request specified a week, month, or other date range, this value is the first date in that date range |
Market | The region/market where the User is Installing |
AgeGroup | The Age group of the installer |
Gender | The Gender of the installer |
PackageVersion | The version of the package that was installed |
OsVersion | The Operating system version on which the Product is installed |
DeviceType | One of the following strings that specifies the type of device that completed the install:
SandboxID | Sandbox ID of the product, that is, Retail, Cert |
SuccessfullInstallCount | The number of successful installs that occurred during the specified aggregation level |
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
ApplicationName | The title of the Game or App |
Date | Date on which Rating was submitted |
Market | The region/market where the User is providing the Rating |
OsVersion | The version of the OS from which the Rating is posted |
DeviceType | Device used to submit Rating |
IsRevised | Is Rating revised by customer |
OneStars | Total count of one-star ratings provided for the Product |
TwoStars | Total count of two-star ratings provided for the Product |
ThreeStars | Total count of three-star ratings provided for the Product |
FourStars | Total count of four-star ratings provided for the Product |
FiveStarts | Total count of five-star ratings provided for the Product |
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | Unique identifier of the specific Game or App |
ApplicationName | The title of the Game or App |
Date | Date on which Rating was submitted |
Market | The region/market where the User is providing the Rating |
OsVersion | The version of the OS from which the Rating is posted |
DeviceType | Device used to submit Rating |
IsRevised | Is Rating revised by customer Specify true to filter for reviews that have been revised; otherwise, false |
PackageVersion | App version in numeric dot separated format for a given entry |
DeviceModel | Model of device via which review is posted |
ProductFamily | Product family to which the device belongs (PC, Phone, Console) |
DeviceRAM | RAM of the device in which the App/Game is installed |
DeviceScreenResolution | Resolution of the Device |
DeviceStorageCapacity | Storage Capacity of the device |
IsTouchEnabled | If touch is enabled on the device |
ReviewerName | Name of the reviewer who posted the review |
Rating | Rating given by reviewer |
ReviewTitle | Title of the review |
ReviewText | Text given on review |
HelpfulCount | The number of times the review was marked helpful |
NotHelpfulCount | The number of times the review was marked not helpful |
ResponseText | Response submitted by publisher |
ID | Review ID while it was posted on storefront |
HighConfidenceTags | Confidence level calculation based on tags provided while reviewing (High if between 0.80, 1.0) |
MidConfidenceTags | Mid if between 0.70, 0.80 |
LowConfidenceTags | Low if between 0.60, 0.70 |
Date | Date on which review was submitted |
ResponseDate | The date that the response was submitted |
Sustainability (Avg game or app power, energy, CO2)
This data provides sustainability insights related to Xbox console games and apps. All console software uses differing amounts of power when running on gaming devices based on the computational performance requested by the software. More power translates to more electricity from the gamer's wall socket. Xbox is able to measure the estimated average power consumption (measured as watts or kilowatts) of games and apps across the console population. Power converts to energy (watt-hours or kilowatt-hours) once you multiply power by time. The device owner pays higher energy bills the more energy they use. Electricity arrives from your local energy grid and is derived by a mix of carbon-intensive fossil fuels and renewable energy. Carbon-intensive energy predominantly emits greenhouse gases (mostly CO2 emissions). We're able to measure the greenhouse gas potential by multiplying a game's overall energy footprint by each energy grid's unique emissions factor value (measured as kg CO2 per kilowatt-hour).
Game or app publishers can use this data if they wish to monitor or deliver energy efficiency improvements to their players, while also lowering energy bills for their users. Game or app publishers can use this data while acting to report or offset the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their products. To learn more about developer tools and fantastic case studies, navigate to Gaming Sustainability or for any questions, email
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | The unique ID of the specific game or app |
ApplicationName | The title of the game or app |
FiscalYear | The fiscal year of the app/game in focus |
Date | The month of the measurement for the title's activity |
CountryCode | The ISO 3 character country or region code for the country or region the console is in (example: AUS) |
TitleID | The TitleID of the game or app |
TitleName | The curated name of the title |
PublisherCurated | The name of the publisher |
DeveloperCurated | The developer of the publisher |
Name | The genre of the app/game in focus |
PrimaryGenre | The primary genre of the app/game in focus |
SubGenre | The sub-genre of the app/game in focus |
RetailName | The retail name of the consoles for the month's measurement (example: Xbox Series S) |
PowerMode | The game or app |
AverageACPower | The estimated average power consumption of a game or app over time, represented as watts (example: 100.245778) |
DeviceCount | The device count in a specific month |
TitleMinutes | The sum of total title minutes |
TitleCO2e_MetricTon | The total metric Tons of CO2-equivalent (MTCO2e) generated by the game; directly tied to the amount of electricity used to power the game across all Xbox devices; derived from a constant provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA) that specifies metric tonnes of CO2e per megawatt hour of electricity consumed |
TitleEnergy_MWh | The total energy used by a game or app over time, represented as Megawatt-hours (MWh); Energy is power * time |
Targeted and Flexible Offers
Targeted offers provide Xbox partners with the capability and appropriate tools to target specific sets of unique customer cohorts with discounted offers; on all Xbox surfaces except MSOW currently. This offer type comes with a unique Just for You badge and the overall goal is to help acquire new customers, boost unit sales, and improve purchase conversion.
Flexible offers provide Xbox partners with the ability to bundle different gaming products (currently: Base Game, Add-ons, Downloadable content (DLC), and Consumables) in a Buy X get Y at Z% off where Z can be any number from 0-100. The feature is currently limited to Console store and game category pages. The feature is intended to act as a vehicle that enables unit lift for promotional offers.
Dataset ID | Description |
ProcessDate | The date when the data is processed on Microsoft Partner Center |
CampaignName | The name of the offer |
StartDate | The date when the offer started |
EndDate | Date when the offer ended |
OfferTypeName | The type of offer created (targeted, flexible, and so on) |
Market | The country or region in which the offer is enabled |
ProductID | The unique ID for the specific game |
TotalRevenue | The sum of revenue for all the purchases made under this offer |
UniqueUser | The number of unique distinct users who purchased the title via this Offer |
TotalDownloads | The distinct count of orders/purchases where the transaction isn't FREE of cost |
TotalPurchaseCount | The total number of Distinct order IDs |
AutoSearchImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Auto Search Section |
CompareEditionsImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Compare edition section on storefront |
FullSearchImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Full search result option |
L1ChannelImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Level 1 marketing channels on the Home page |
L2ChannelImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Level 2 marketing channels on the Home page |
PDPImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Product Display page |
PDPL1ChannelImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Level 1 marketing channels on the Product Display Page |
WishlistImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Wishlist Section |
SpotlightImpressions | The number of user impressions of offers for the title from Spotlight section |
FlexibleOfferImpressions | The number of Spotlight impressions by the total number of impressions received for the title on that offer |
AvgRevPerUniqueUsers | Total revenue by total number of purchasing unique users |
TotalImpressions | The total number of impressions across all channels for the offers for the title |
TotalUniqueUserImpressions | The total number of impressions across all channels for the offers for the title |
TotalUniqueUserClicks | The total number of distinct user ID selects for all impressions received for the offer on the title |
Provide insights on the engagement metrics of players who have Wishlisted game titles on the Storefront enriched with the metrics of acquisition data.
A transaction materializes when a user initiates a purchase. Over the following 10 days, the transaction might undergo different state changes, such as being canceled or updated, before being officially recognized as an acquisition.
In the below Wishlist dataset, a legitimate acquisition is identified. After being identified, the acquisition is verified as to whether the User who acquired the product had the item wish-listed on the day of the purchase. If affirmative, the Transaction ID(TransactionID) and initiation date (PurchasedDate) are provided.
Only Transactions occurring after 16th December 2023 are mapped to the wish-listed products.
Dataset ID | Description |
ProductID | The unique ID of the specific game or app that was Wishlisted |
ApplicationName | The title of the game or app |
Market | The region/market where the game user is wishlisting the product |
HashedOwner | The unique ID of the Wishlist owner in hashed format |
SkuID | The ID value of the version or platform the product is part of; one product can have multiple stock keeping units (SKUs) for different markets or devices |
AddedDate | The date when the product is added as Wishlist |
StorefrontClient | The Storefront which the user used to Wishlist the product (examples: Mercury (XBOX Console store), (XBOX web store)) |
PurchasedDate | The date when the Wishlisted Product is purchased |
TransactionID | The unique ID of the transaction that was the outcome of the purchase |