Unoptimized Client and Unoptimized Server

The product versions that exhibit unoptimized client behavior and unoptimized server behavior are referenced in section 4.2.2.

To make a synchronous operation from a client to a server, the client uses the IWbemServices interface pointer. The client calls the IWbemServices synchronous methods IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnum, IWbemServices::CreateClassEnum, and IWbemServices::ExecQuery. In response to the method executed, the server returns an IEnumWbemClassObject interface pointer. The client then uses the IEnumWbemClassObject::Next method to repeatedly retrieve the IWbemClassObject objects from the query result set.

Unoptimized Client and Unoptimized Server

Figure 13: Unoptimized Client and Unoptimized Server

An example capture is given on [SysDocCap-WMI] showing a Windows 2000 Server operating system connecting to a second Windows 2000 Server using wbemtest utility and enumerating the default namespace.