IWbemRemoteRefresher::StopRefreshing (Opnum 4)

The IWbemRemoteRefresher::StopRefreshing method MUST remove a set of CIM instances or enumerations from the collection previously configured by the IWbemRefreshingServices interface pointer.

 HRESULT StopRefreshing(
   [in] long lNumIds,
   [in, size_is(lNumIds)] long* aplIds,
   [in] long lFlags

lNumIds: MUST be the number of identifiers in the array of object identifiers in the aplIds parameter.

aplIds: MUST be an array of object identifiers that MUST identify the CIM instances and enumerations to stop refreshing. The object identifier is the m_lCancelId member from the _WBEM_REFRESH_INFO structure that is specified in section 2.2.20 and MUST be obtained from a previous call to the IWbemRefreshingServices::AddObjectToRefresher, IWbemRefreshingServices::AddObjectToRefresherByTemplate, or IWbemRefreshingServices::AddEnumToRefresher method specified in section

lFlags: This parameter is not used, and its value MUST be 0x0.

Return Values: This method MUST return an HRESULT value that MUST indicate the status of the method call. In case of success, the server MUST return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR (as specified in section 2.2.11) to indicate the successful completion of the method.


The IWbemRemoteRefresher::StopRefreshing method MUST be called on the IWbemRemoteRefresher interface pointer that is returned as a member of the _WBEM_REFRESH_INFO structure from the methods of the IWbemRefreshingServices interface or on the interface that is returned by the IWbemRefreshingServices::GetRemoteRefresher method invocation.

In response to the IWbemRemoteRefresher::StopRefreshing method, the server MUST remove a list of CIM objects that were previously added to the set of refreshing objects using the IWbemRefreshingServices methods. The CIM objects MUST be identified by their identifier, the m_lCancelId member of the _WBEM_REFRESH_INFO structure that is returned by a previous IWbemRefreshingServices::AddObjectToRefresher, IWbemRefreshingServices::AddObjectToRefresherByTemplate, or IWbemRefreshingServices::AddEnumToRefresher call.

In case of failure the server MUST return an error in the format specified in section 2.2.11.