SchRpcEnableTask (Opnum 19)
The SchRpcEnableTask method MUST enable or disable a task.
HRESULT SchRpcEnableTask( [in, string] const wchar_t* path, [in] DWORD enabled );
path: MUST contain the full path to the task, in the format specified in section 2.3.11.
enabled: If TRUE, the server MUST enable the task. Otherwise, the server MUST disable the task.
Return Values: For more information about return codes, see [MS-ERREF] section 2.
Upon receipt of the SchRpcEnableTask call, the server MUST:
Return E_INVALIDARG if the path parameter is NULL or is the root.
Return the value 0x8007007B, the HRESULT form of the Win32 error ERROR_INVALID_NAME, if the specified path is not in the format specified in section 2.3.11.
Return the value 0x80070003, the HRESULT form of the Win32 error ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, if the specified path does not exist on the server in the XML task store.
Return the HRESULT form of the Win32 error ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the specified task does not exist on the server in the XML task store.
Return E_ACCESSDENIED if the caller does not have write access to the task.
Save the value of the enabled parameter in the enabled/disabled Boolean value associated with the task in the task store.
Return S_OK.