The SHARE_INFO_502_I structure contains information about the shared resource, including the name of the resource, type, and permissions, the number of connections, and other pertinent information.
typedef struct _SHARE_INFO_502_I { [string] WCHAR* shi502_netname; DWORD shi502_type; [string] WCHAR* shi502_remark; DWORD shi502_permissions; DWORD shi502_max_uses; DWORD shi502_current_uses; [string] WCHAR* shi502_path; [string] WCHAR* shi502_passwd; DWORD shi502_reserved; [size_is(shi502_reserved)] unsigned char* shi502_security_descriptor; } SHARE_INFO_502_I, *PSHARE_INFO_502_I, *LPSHARE_INFO_502_I;
shi502_netname: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies the name of a shared resource. The server MUST ignore this member when processing the NetrShareSetInfo (section method.
shi502_type: Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the type of share. The server MUST ignore this member when processing the NetrShareSetInfo method; otherwise, it MUST be one of the values that are listed in section
shi502_remark: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies an optional comment about the shared resource.
shi502_permissions: This field is not used. The server MUST ignore the value of this parameter on receipt.
shi502_max_uses: Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the maximum number of concurrent connections that the shared resource can accommodate. If the value that is specified by shi502_max_uses is 0xFFFFFFFF, the maximum number of connections MUST be unlimited.
shi502_current_uses: Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the number of current connections to the resource. The server MUST ignore this member on receipt.
shi502_path: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that contains the local path for the shared resource. For disks, shi502_path is the path that is being shared. For print queues, shi502_path is the name of the print queue that is being shared. For communication devices, shi502_path is the name of the communication device that is being shared. For interprocess communications (IPC), shi502_path is the name of the interprocess communication that is being shared. The server MUST ignore this member when processing the NetrShareSetInfo method.
shi502_passwd: This field is not used. The client MUST send a NULL (zero-length) string and the server MUST ignore the value of this parameter on receipt.
shi502_reserved: The length of the security descriptor that is being passed in the shi502_security_descriptor member.
shi502_security_descriptor: Specifies the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, as described in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6, that is associated with this share.