I_nsi_entry_object_inq_done (Opnum 5)
The I_nsi_entry_object_inq_done method is invoked to free any resources associated with the context handle returned by a preceding call to the I_nsi_entry_object_inq_begin method. The MIDL syntax of the method is specified as follows.
void I_nsi_entry_object_inq_done( [in, out] NSI_NS_HANDLE_T* InqContext, [out] unsigned short* status );
InqContext: A context handle returned by the server from a preceding I_nsi_entry_object_inq_begin call. On successful completion, this parameter MUST be set to NULL by the server and MUST NOT be modified on failure.
status: A 16-bit value that indicates the results of the method call. In case of success the value will contain NSI_S_OK, or a nonzero value on failure. All failures MUST be treated identically as a failure of the freeing of resources initiated by this method, but no further action is required by the caller.
Return Values: This method does not return any values. RPC exceptions can be thrown from this method.
Exceptions Thrown
No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol, as specified in [MS-RPCE].