2.2.2 Extensions to the Name Service Entry Name Syntax
All name service entries MUST be identified by an entry name. The syntax of the entry name is specified by the constant RPC_C_NS_SYNTAX_DCE defined in the preceding section. This syntax allows specification of a domain name, which is an extension of the syntax specified in section "DCE Name Syntax" in [C705] Part 1.
An entry name is a case-insensitive, null-terminated Unicode [UNICODE] string. The entry name MUST be less than 256 characters. Entry names used in the LocToLoc RPC methods are further restricted so that the maximum length of the entry name (including the terminating NULL character) MUST be less than or equal to 100 characters. Entry names MUST be in one of the following forms.
Local Specification:
Domain Specification:
name: Specifies an identifier for the entry. This field can contain a slash (/) character. When operating in directory or directory-only mode, this field MUST NOT contain any characters that are disallowed in the relative distinguished name (RDN) of an Active Directory object, as specified in [MS-ADTS]. This is a restriction on the syntax specified in section "DCE Name Syntax" in [C705] part 1.
domainname: Specifies the name of the domain. This field MUST NOT contain the delimiting slash (/) character.