The DISTRIBUTIONPOINT element of the ERD describes the location of the server to be used for issuing ULs based on the ERD. The DISTRIBUTIONPOINT elements MUST use the following template.

    <OBJECT type="[[- type -]]">
       <ID type="MS-GUID">
          [[- GUID -]]
          [[- name -]]
       [[- address -]]

[[- type -]]: MUST be the type of the DISTRIBUTIONPOINT address. For an ERD [[- distribution-pub -]] the type is "Publishing-URL". For an ERD [[- distribution-ref -]] the type is "Referral-Info".

[[- GUID -]]: MUST be a unique GUID that identifies this DISTRIBUTIONPOINT element, represented as a literal ASCII string enclosed in braces.

[[- name -]]: MUST be a name for the object. For an object of type "Publishing-URL", this element contains the text "Publishing Point". For an object of type "Referral-Info", this element MUST contain the display name of the referral address.

[[- address -]]: MUST be an ADDRESS element of type "URL" containing the URL of the server or an email address when the object type is "Referral-Info".