The ISSUER element of the PL identifies the issuer of the license. The object and PUBLICKEY elements of the ISSUER element MUST be copied verbatim from the principal element in the ISSUEDPRINCIPALS element of the CLC for offline publishing.  The SECURITYLEVEL element is also copied from the ISSUEDPRINCIPALS element of the issuer, but the values are optional.

The object and PUBLICKEY elements of the ISSUER element MUST also be copied verbatim from the principal element in the ISSUEDPRINCIPALS element of the SLC by the server for online publishing.

The ISSUER element MUST use the following template.

    [[- object -]]
    [[- publickey -]]
    [[- securitylevel -]]

[[- object -]]: MUST be the object element copied verbatim from the principal element in the ISSUEDPRINCIPALS element of the issuer.

[[- publickey -]]: MUST contain the issuer's public key. The exponent MUST be set to 65537. The size MUST be the size of the issuer's public key in bits. The modulus MUST contain the modulus of the issuer's public key.

[[- securitylevel -]]: SHOULD be the SECURITYLEVEL element copied verbatim from the principal element in the ISSUEDPRINCIPALS element of the issuer.