IRPCRemoteObject_Delete (Opnum 1)

The IRPCRemoteObject_Delete method destroys the specified remote object.

 void IRPCRemoteObject_Delete(
   [in, out] PRPCREMOTEOBJECT* ppRemoteObj

ppRemoteObj: MUST be the remote object to delete. The handle MUST have been returned by the server in the ppRemoteObj output parameter of a prior call to IRPCRemoteObject_Create and MUST NOT have been previously deleted. If this handle were previously registered by a successful call to IRPCAsyncNotify_RegisterClient, then it MUST have been subsequently unregistered by a call to IRPCAsyncNotify_UnregisterClient. It MUST NOT be NULL.

Upon receipt, the server MUST set the ppRemoteObj value to NULL.

Return Values: This method has no return values.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol [MS-RPCE].