The NETLOGON_DELTA_SECRET structure contains information about the LSA secret object, as specified in [MS-LSAD]. This structure is used to replicate the LSA secret object data from the PDC to a BDC, as detailed in section 3.6.

 typedef struct _NETLOGON_DELTA_SECRET {
   OLD_LARGE_INTEGER CurrentValueSetTime;
   SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation;
   ULONG SecuritySize;
   [size_is(SecuritySize)] UCHAR * SecurityDescriptor;
   STRING DummyString1;
   STRING DummyString2;
   STRING DummyString3;
   STRING DummyString4;
   ULONG DummyLong1;
   ULONG DummyLong2;
   ULONG DummyLong3;
   ULONG DummyLong4;

CurrentValue: An NLPR_CR_CIPHER_VALUE structure, as specified in section, that contains the encrypted current value of the LSA secret.

CurrentValueSetTime: A 64-bit time stamp, equivalent to a FILETIME, at which the current value of the LSA secret object was set.

OldValue: An NLPR_CR_CIPHER_VALUE structure, as specified in section, that contains the encrypted previous (old) value of the LSA secret.

OldValueSetTime: A 64-bit time stamp, equivalent to a FILETIME, at which the previous value of the LSA secret object was set.

SecurityInformation: A SECURITY_INFORMATION structure, as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.7, that specifies portions of a security descriptor about the secret object.

SecuritySize: The size, in bytes, of the SecurityDescriptor member.

SecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure, as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6 that describes the security settings for the LSA secret object.

DummyString1: A STRING, defined in section, that MUST contain 0 for the Length field, 0 for the MaximumLength field, and NULL for the Buffer field. It is ignored upon receipt. The Netlogon usage of dummy fields is defined in section

DummyString2: See definition for DummyString1.

DummyString3: See definition for DummyString1.

DummyString4: See definition for DummyString1

DummyLong1: MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored on receipt. The Netlogon usage of dummy fields is defined in section

DummyLong2: See definition for DummyLong1.

DummyLong3: See definition for DummyLong1.

DummyLong4: See definition for DummyLong1.