The NETLOGON_DELTA_GROUP_MEMBER structure contains information about members of a group by providing pointers to a list of group members and their respective attributes. This structure is used to replicate the group membership data from the PDC to a BDC, as detailed in section 3.6.

All fields of this structure, except the fields detailed following the structure definition, have the same meanings as the identically named fields of the SAMPR_GET_MEMBERS_BUFFER structure, as specified in [MS-SAMR] section The last four fields of the structure (DummyLong1, DummyLong2, DummyLong3, and DummyLong4) are not found in [MS-SAMR].

   [size_is(MemberCount)] ULONG * Members;
   [size_is(MemberCount)] ULONG * Attributes;
   ULONG MemberCount;
   ULONG DummyLong1;
   ULONG DummyLong2;
   ULONG DummyLong3;
   ULONG DummyLong4;

DummyLong1: MUST be set to zero and MUST be ignored on receipt. The Netlogon usage of dummy fields is defined in section

DummyLong2: See definition for DummyLong1.

DummyLong3: See definition for DummyLong1.

DummyLong4: See definition for DummyLong1.