Software Installation Container Search Request
This message requests the Group Policy server to search for the software package container for a GPO. This is an LDAP searchRequest message, as specified in [RFC2251], and MUST have the following values.
Parameter |
Value |
baseObject |
A class store distinguished name (DN) for the object of Active Directory class "classStore" in Active Directory. This object referenced by this class store DN is contained in an object of class groupPolicyContainer (as specified in [MS-ADSC] section 2.58). This MUST be a DN of the form CN=Class Store,<scoped gpo dn>, where <scoped gpo dn> is a scoped Group Policy Object (GPO) distinguished name (DN). |
Scope |
MUST be the value 0 for the baseObject scope, as specified in [RFC2251]. |
derefAliases |
MUST be set to 0 (neverDerefAliases) to dereference in searching. |
sizeLimit |
MUST be set to 0 (no limit set). |
timeLimit |
MAY be set to 0 (infinite).<2> |
typesOnly |
MUST be set to FALSE, according to the LDAP definition of FALSE. |
Filter |
The following LDAP filter (as specified in [RFC2254]) MUST be used: objectClass=* |
attributes |
MUST specify the attribute appSchemaVersion.<3> |