3.2.1 Abstract Data Model

The following information is maintained by the server to respond to client queries.

The computer maintains abstract variables that contain the identity of the directory service domain and forest to which it belongs, if any. The variables are as follows:

NetBIOSDomainName: The name of the domain or nondomain workgroup, as known by NetBIOS name, to which the computer belongs.

DNSDomainName: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain to which the computer belongs. This abstract element has value only for computers that are joined to a domain; otherwise, it is NULL.

ForestName: The FQDN of the forest to which the computer belongs. This variable has value only for computers that are joined to a domain; otherwise, it is NULL.

DomainGUID: The UUID, as specified in [MS-DTYP], that identifies the domain to which the computer belongs. This variable has type GUID, as specified in [MS-DTYP],<7> and has value only for computers that are joined to a directory service domain; otherwise, the value is NULL.

The computer maintains information about its role and status in the domain, as follows:

ComputerRole (Public): An abstract variable of type DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE that describes the current domain membership role of the machine.

ComputerOperationState: The status of the current ComputerRole change operation. The type of this variable is DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE enumeration.

ComputerUpgrade: A Boolean abstract variable that is TRUE only when an upgrade event (as specified in section is in progress.

PreviousServerState: The type of this variable is DSROLE_SERVER_STATE enumeration. When ComputerUpgrade is TRUE, it contains the security role that the domain controller (DC) will have after the upgrade event (as specified in section is complete. When ComputerUpgrade is FALSE, it contains DsRoleServerUnknown.