Server Behavior of the IDL_DRSExecuteKCC Method
Informative summary of behavior: The IDL_DRSExecuteKCC method triggers the execution of tasks that generate and maintain the replication topology between DCs.<15> See [MS-ADTS] section 6.2.2 for more information related to the tasks performed by the KCC upon receipt of an IDL_DRSExecuteKCC request.
ULONG IDL_DRSExecuteKCC( [in, ref] DRS_HANDLE hDrs, [in] DWORD dwInVersion, [in, ref, switch_is(dwInVersion)] DRS_MSG_KCC_EXECUTE *pmsgIn) msgIn: DRS_MSG_KCC_EXECUTE_V1 ValidateDRSInput(hDrs, 18) /* Validate the request version */ if dwInVersion ≠ 1 then return ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER endif msgIn := pmsgIn^.V1 if msgIn.dwTaskID ≠ 0 then return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER endif if not AccessCheckCAR(ConfigNC(), DS-Replication-Manage-Topology) then return ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED endif if msgIn.dwFlags = DS_KCC_FLAG_ASYNC_OP then Asynchronous Processing: Initiate a logical thread of control to process the remainder of this request asynchronously return 0 endif return ExecuteKCCTasks()