The DNSSRV_ZONE_QUERY_STATS structure<81> contains per-zone per-record-type statistics.
typedef struct _DnsZoneQueryStats { DNS_ZONE_STATS_TYPE RecordType; ULONG64 QueriesResponded; ULONG64 QueriesReceived; ULONG64 QueriesFailure; ULONG64 QueriesNameError; } DNSSRV_ZONE_QUERY_STATS, *PDNSSRV_ZONE_QUERY_STATS;
RecordType: The type of record for which the query was received. The value SHOULD be of type DNS_ZONE_STATS_TYPE (section
QueriesResponded: The total number of queries to which the server responded for a specific zone.
QueriesReceived: The total number of queries received by the server for a specific zone.
QueriesFailure: The total number of queries for which the server responded with server failure for a specific zone.
QueriesNameError: The total number of queries for which the server responded with a name error for a specific zone.