Claims Transformation Rules Syntax Evaluation

Syntax evaluation MUST perform the following processing:

  1. InputTransformationRulesText MUST be validated against the ABNF syntax definition of the claims transformation rules language to ensure conformity. Any failure MUST be considered an error, ReturnValue MUST be set to FAILURE, and the algorithm MUST exit.

  2. The following validation MUST be performed on InputTransformationRulesText

    1. Each Sel-condition in Sel-condition-list either MUST use an IDENTIFIER unique among all IDENTIFIERS in the Sel-condition-list or MUST use no IDENTIFIER.

    2. If Rule-action contains one or more IDENTIFIERs, then each of the IDENTIFIERs MUST have an identical matching IDENTIFIER in the Condition in the same Rule.

    3. If either of the preceding validation steps fails, it MUST be considered an error. ReturnValue MUST be set to FAILURE, and the algorithm MUST exit.

  3. The InternalTransformationRules variable MUST be populated with InputTransformationRulesText.

  4. The InternalTransformationRules variable MUST be populated in a depth-first fashion with tags (production names and terminals) and the matching portion of InputTransformationRulesText.