ApiAddNotifyNetwork (Opnum 90)

(Protocol Version 2) The ApiAddNotifyNetwork method instructs the server to begin queuing event indications to the designated version 1 notification port. These indications, which correspond to internal cluster network state and configuration changes that map to a value in the designated filter, are queued only for the resource object represented by the designated context handle.

The server MUST queue a separate event indication to the port for every filter that has the CLUSTER_CHANGE (section value set that corresponds to the internal event.

The server SHOULD accept an ApiAddNotifyNetwork request if its protocol server state is read-only, and the server MUST accept the request for processing if it is in the read/write state, as specified in section 3.1.1.

 error_status_t ApiAddNotifyNetwork(
   [in] HNOTIFY_RPC hNotify,
   [in] HNETWORK_RPC hNetwork,
   [in] DWORD dwFilter,
   [in] DWORD dwNotifyKey,
   [out] DWORD *dwStateSequence

hNotify: An HNOTIFY_RPC (section context handle that was obtained in a previous ApiCreateNotify (section method call.

hNetwork: An HNETWORK_RPC (section context handle that was obtained in a previous ApiOpenNetwork (section method call.

dwFilter: A 32-bit integer containing one or more cluster network-specific values in a CLUSTER_CHANGE (section enumeration. The value of this parameter MUST be set to the bitwise OR operator of one or more of the following values: CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_ADD, CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_DELETE, CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE, or CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_PROPERTY.

dwNotifyKey: A 32-bit integer context value chosen by the client. This value MUST be returned to the client via a subsequent completion of the ApiGetNotify (section method, if the name of the object pertaining to the event matches the name of the object designated by hNetwork (the second parameter).

dwStateSequence: The address of a 32-bit integer value that the server MUST write upon successful completion of this method. The client MUST retain the most current value of this parameter and provide it back to the server via the StateSequence parameter of the ApiReAddNotifyNetwork (section method, as specified in section

Return Values: The method MUST return the following error codes for the specified conditions.

Return value/code







The data that is pointed to by the hNotify parameter or the hNetwork parameter does not respectively represent a valid HNOTIFY_RPC (section or HNETWORK_RPC (section context handle.

For any other condition, this method MUST return a value that is not one of the values listed in the preceding table. The client MUST behave in one consistent, identical manner for all values that are not listed in the preceding table. The client SHOULD treat errors specified in as recoverable errors, and initiate the reconnect procedure as specified in section