3.1.5 Processing Events and Sequencing Rules
WebDAV Protocol: Client Extensions can be used to combine multiple commands in a single request; to propagate extended error information between the client and the server; and to allow programmatic interpretation to be controlled by the client.
A WebDAV client SHOULD send an OPTIONS request to the server and query the headers in the server response for the presence of the X-MSDAVEXT: 1 header. This information SHOULD be used by the client when it sends requests to this server. The client MUST NOT add the new WebDAV Protocol extensions (as specified in this protocol) to the commands when it communicates with a server that responds to the OPTIONS command without specifying the X-MSDAVEXT: 1 header.
If the client does not support the extensions, the client MAY ignore the header and SHOULD NOT use the new WebDAV extensions (as specified in this protocol). If the server adds the optional headers, the headers SHOULD be ignored by the client as unrecognized.<12>