2.2.1 WebDAV Extension Header
The X-MSDAVEXT header has been added to indicate support for the WebDAV Protocol: Client Extensions and to request optional server behavior.
This new header is defined as follows (using the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) Syntax as specified in [RFC2616] section 2.1):<3>
MS-WebDAV-Extension-Header = "X-MSDAVEXT" ":" Ext-options Ext-options = "1" | "PROPFIND" | "PROPPATCH"
The presence of this header with a value of 1 in the OPTIONS response indicates that the server supports the new extensions described in this document. This header with a value of 1 is valid only on an OPTIONS response.
The presence of this header with a value of PROPFIND on a GET or POST request indicates that the server which sends X-MSDAVEXT: 1 in its OPTIONS response MUST return both the properties and the actual file together in the response using the multipart/MSDAVEXTPrefixEncoded content type, as specified in section 2.2.5. In accordance with [RFC2616] section 9.4, a server MUST respond to a HEAD request with this header with the same headers it would in a GET request but without the message body.
The presence of this header with a value of PROPPATCH on a PUT request indicates that the body of the request contains both the properties and the actual file together in the request. The content type header MUST indicate the media type of multipart/MSDAVEXTPrefixEncoded.
This header SHOULD be ignored on all other commands and for all other values.<4>