Measure Object
The Measure object represents a value that is calculated based on an expression. It is a child of a Table object.
The Measure object has the following properties.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ID |
unsignedLong |
A reference to the object. |
TableID |
unsignedLong |
An ID-based reference to a Table object. |
Name |
string |
The name of the object. |
Description |
string |
The description of the object. |
DataType |
enumeration |
The data type of the measure. The possible values are as follows:
Expression |
string |
The DAX expression that is evaluated for the calculated measure. |
FormatString |
string |
A string that specifies the format of the measure contents. For a description of the FormatString content, see [MSDN-FSCMDX]. |
IsHidden |
boolean |
A Boolean that indicates whether the measure is treated as hidden by client visualization tools. If the measure is treated as hidden by client visualization tools, it is "true"; otherwise, it is "false". |
State |
enumeration |
A value that provides information about the state of the measure. The possible values and their interpretation are as follows:
ModifiedTime |
dateTime |
The time that the object was last modified. |
StructureModifiedTime |
dateTime |
The time that the structure of the object was last modified. |
unsignedLong |
An ID-based reference to a KPI object. |
IsSimpleMeasure |
boolean |
A Boolean that indicates whether the measure is an implicit measure that is automatically created by client tools to aggregate a field. Client applications can hide measures that have this flag set. |
ErrorMessage |
string |
The string that explains the error state associated with the current object. It is set by the engine only when the state of the object is one of these three values: SemanticError, DependencyError, or EvaluationError. |
DisplayFolder |
string |
A string that defines the display folder in which the measure is displayed by the client applications. |
DetailRowsDefinitionID<49> |
unsignedLong |
An ID-based reference to a DetailRowsDefinition object. This property defines the DAX expression to apply when drilling through to the detail rows of the measure. Compatibility level 1400 or higher is required. |
FormatStringDefinitionID<50> |
unsignedLong |
An ID-based reference to a FormatStringDefinition object. Compatibility level 1601 or higher is required. |
DataCategory<51> |
string |
Specifies the kind of data that is contained in the measure so that a user can add custom behaviors based on the data type of the measure. Compatibility level 1500 or higher is required. |
LineageTag<52> |
string |
An optional tag that can be used to define the lineage of a measure across different versions of a model. Compatibility level 1600 or higher is required. |
SourceLineageTag<53> |
string |
An optional tag that can be used to define the lineage of a referenced measure across different versions of a model. As opposed to LineageTag, SourceLineageTag can be used to define the lineage of a referenced measure rather than a measure itself. SourceLineageTag is useful when a model references other models by using a Direct Query connection. Compatibility level 1600 or higher is required. |