2.4.674 BrtFill
The BrtFill record specifies an individual cell fill pattern.
1 |
2 |
3 |
fls |
brtColorFore |
... |
brtColorBack |
... |
iGradientType |
xnumDegree |
... |
xnumFillToLeft |
... |
xnumFillToRight |
... |
xnumFillToTop |
... |
xnumFillToBottom |
... |
cNumStop |
xfillGradientStop (variable) |
... |
fls (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the type of fill pattern. If fls is NOT 0x00000028, the iGradientType, xnumDegree, xnumFillToLeft, xnumFillToRight, xnumFillToTop, xnumFillToBottom, and cNumStop field values MUST be 0 and MUST be ignored. If The value of fls field is 0x00000028, the brtColorFore and brtColorBack fields are undefined and MUST be ignored. MUST be a value from the following table:
Value |
Meaning |
0x00000000 |
The fill pattern is none (no fill). When brtColorFore or brtColorBack is specified, a pattern of 'none' overrides and means there is no fill.
0x00000001 |
The fill pattern is solid. When solid is specified, brtColorFore is the only color rendered, even when brtColorBack is also specified.
0x00000002 |
The fill pattern is medium gray.
0x00000003 |
The fill pattern is dark gray.
0x00000004 |
The fill pattern is light gray.
0x00000005 |
The fill pattern is horizontal stripes.
0x00000006 |
The fill pattern is vertical stripes.
0x00000007 |
The fill pattern is downward diagonal stripes.
00000x0008 |
The fill pattern is upward diagonal stripes.
0x00000009 |
The fill pattern is grid.
0x0000000A |
The fill pattern is trellis.
0x0000000B |
The fill pattern is light horizontal stripes.
0x0000000C |
The fill pattern is light vertical stripes.
0x0000000D |
The fill pattern is light down.
0x0000000E |
The fill pattern is light up.
0x0000000F |
The fill pattern is light grid.
0x00000010 |
The fill pattern is light trellis.
0x00000011 |
The fill pattern is grayscale of 0.125 (1/8) value.
0x00000012 |
The fill pattern is grayscale of 0.0625 (1/16) value.
0x00000028 |
The fill pattern is a gradient fill. |
brtColorFore (8 bytes): A BrtColor (section 2.4.334) that specifies the foreground color for this cell.
brtColorBack (8 bytes): A BrtColor that specifies the background color for this cell.
iGradientType (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the type of gradient fill used. The value of this field MUST be of the values from the following table:
xnumDegree (8 bytes): An Xnum (section 2.5.172) that specifies the gradient angle in degrees for linear gradient. The gradient angle specifies the angle at which the gradient strokes are drawn.
For example, a value of 90 for xnumDegree means that the gradient color starts from the bottom of the cell.
Gradient angle example
MUST be used when iGradientType is Linear gradient.
xnumFillToLeft (8 bytes): An Xnum that specifies, as a fraction of the length of the cell, the left edge of the inner rectangle of a rectangular gradient. For example, a value of 0 for xnumFillToLeft means the left edge of the inner rectangle is the left edge of the cell, and 1 means its right edge of the cell. MUST exist when iGradientType is Rectangular gradient. The value of this field MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
xnumFillToRight (8 bytes): An Xnum that specifies, as a fraction of the length of the cell, the right edge of the inner rectangle of a rectangular gradient. For example, a value of 0 for xnumFillToRight means the right edge of the inner rectangle is on the left edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the right edge of the cell. MUST exist when iGradientType is Rectangular gradient. The value of this field MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
xnumFillToTop (8 bytes): An Xnum that specifies, as a fraction of the height of the cell, the top edge of the inner rectangle of a rectangular gradient. For example, a value of 0 for xnumFillToTop means the top edge of the inner rectangle is on the top edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the bottom edge of the cell. MUST exist when iGradientType is Rectangular gradient. The value of this field MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
xnumFillToBottom (8 bytes): An Xnum that specifies, as a fraction of the height of the cell, the bottom edge of the inner rectangle of a rectangular gradient. For example, a value of 0 for xnumFillToBottom, means the bottom edge of the inner rectangle is on the bottom edge of the cell, and 1 means it is on the top edge of the cell. MUST exist when iGradientType is Rectangular gradient. The value of this field MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
cNumStop (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of elements in xfillGradientStop. The value of this field MUST be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 256.
xfillGradientStop (variable): An array of GradientStop (section 2.5.68). The number of elements MUST be equal to cNumStop.