2.5.118 RfX
The Rfx structure specifies a range. The range MUST NOT include any cell that lies outside the sheet's used range, as specified by BrtWsDim (section 2.4.859).
1 |
2 |
3 |
rwFirst |
rwLast |
colFirst |
colLast |
rwFirst (4 bytes): A Rw (section 2.5.126) structure that specifies the first row of the range.
rwLast (4 bytes): A Rw structure that specifies the last row of the range. This value MUST NOT be less than the value of rwFirst.
colFirst (4 bytes): A Col (section 2.5.23) structure that specifies the first column (1) of the range.
colLast (4 bytes): A Col structure that specifies the last column (1) of the range. This value MUST NOT be less than the value of colFirst.