2.4.180 Number
The Number record specifies a cell that contains a floating-point number.
1 |
2 |
3 |
cell |
... |
num |
... |
... |
cell (6 bytes): A Cell structure that specifies the cell.
num (8 bytes): An Xnum (section 2.5.342) value that specifies the cell value.
If this record appears in a SERIESDATA record collection, and this record specifies a cell in the chart data cache that specifies data for an error bar series, then this field is a ChartNumNillable value. If a ChartNumNillable is used, a blank cell is specified by a NilChartNum structure that has a type field with a value of 0x0000, and a cell with a #N/A error is specified by a NilChartNum that has a type field with a value of 0x0100.