2.4.305 SXTbl
The SXTbl record stores information about multiple consolidation ranges.
1 |
2 |
3 |
cdref |
csxtbpg |
cPages |
A |
cdref (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of multiple consolidation ranges used as source data for the PivotCache. MUST be equal to the number of DConRef, DConBin, or DConName records that follow this record.
csxtbpg (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of SxTbpg records that follow this record. MUST be equal to cdref.
cPages (15 bits): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of optional cache fields in the PivotCache, as specified by Multiple Consolidation Ranges. MUST be less than or equal to 0x0004.
A - fAutoPage (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether there is one automatically created cache field with cache items qualifying each source data range of the multiple consolidation ranges PivotCache. MUST be a value from the following table:
The cache fields that qualify the source data ranges are not automatically created.
There is one automatically created cache field with cache items qualifying each source data range of the multiple consolidation ranges PivotCache. Each cache item qualifies one source data range.