The MSODGCID enumeration, as shown in the following table, specifies the command identifiers that are used for customizing toolbars and keyboard shortcuts.
Name |
Value |
Meaning |
0x0000 |
Undefined—the command is specified by a toolbar control identifier (TCID). |
0x0004 |
Paste the drawing object. |
0x0006 |
Select all drawing objects. |
0x0008 |
Repeat the last action. |
0x000C |
Bring the drawing objects to the front. |
0x000D |
Send the drawing objects to the back. |
0x000E |
Bring the drawing objects forward. (Not necessarily all the way to the front.) |
0x000F |
Send the drawing objects backward. (Not necessarily all the way to the back.) |
0x0010 |
Bring the drawing objects in front of the text. |
0x0011 |
Send the drawing objects behind the text. |
0x0012 |
Group the drawing objects. |
0x0013 |
Ungroup the grouped drawing objects. |
0x0014 |
Regroup the drawing objects. |
0x0019 |
Add a point to a polygon shape. |
0x001A |
Delete a point from a polygon shape. |
0x001C |
Copy a polygon point. |
0x001D |
Close the path on a shape that has an open path. |
0x001E |
Open the path on a shape that has a closed path. |
0x0020 |
Update the vertex and segment information in the polygon. |
0x0021 |
Edit a point on a shape to be an automatic point. An automatic point has Bezier handles which are automatically calculated based on the positions of the adjacent vertices. |
0x0022 |
Edit a point on a shape to be a smooth point. A smooth point has Bezier handles which are collinear with and equidistant from the point. |
0x0023 |
Edit a point on a shape to be a straight point. A straight point has Bezier handles which are collinear with the point, but not necessarily equidistant from it. |
0x0024 |
Edit a point on a shape to be a corner point. |
0x0025 |
Edit a segment on a shape to be a straight segment. |
0x0026 |
Edit a segment on a shape to be a curved segment. |
0x0029 |
Rotate the drawing objects 90 degrees counterclockwise. |
0x002A |
Rotate the drawing objects 90 degrees clockwise. |
0x002B |
Horizontally flip the drawing objects. |
0x002C |
Vertically flip the drawing objects. |
0x002D |
Align the drawing objects to the left side. |
0x002E |
Align the drawing objects to the center. |
0x002F |
Align the drawing objects to the right side. |
0x0030 |
Align the drawing objects to the top. |
0x0031 |
Vertically align the drawing objects to the middle. |
0x0032 |
Align the drawing objects to the bottom. |
0x0033 |
Align the drawing objects relative to the page, rather than relative to one another. |
0x0034 |
Horizontally distribute the drawing objects. |
0x0035 |
Vertically distribute the drawing objects. |
0x0036 |
Distribute the drawing objects relative to the page or slide, rather than relative to one another. |
0x0037 |
Nudge the drawing objects to the left. |
0x0038 |
Nudge the drawing objects to the right. |
0x0039 |
Nudge the drawing objects up. |
0x003A |
Nudge the drawing objects down. |
0x003B |
Nudge the drawing objects to the left by one pixel. |
0x003C |
Nudge the drawing objects to the right by one pixel. |
0x003D |
Nudge the drawing objects up by one pixel. |
0x003E |
Nudge the drawing objects down by one pixel. |
0x003F |
Toggle the reshape mode. |
0x0040 |
Toggle the rotate mode. |
0x0041 |
Crop the picture. |
0x0043 |
Show more fill colors. |
0x0044 |
Show more fill effects. |
0x0045 |
Show more outline colors. |
0x0046 |
Show more line widths. |
0x0047 |
Show more line end decorations. |
0x0048 |
Display the text in stylized text objects as vertical text. |
0x0049 |
Stretch the text in stylized text objects to fill the shape. |
0x004A |
Set all the letters to the same height in stylized text objects. |
0x004B |
Align the text in stylized text objects to the left side. |
0x004C |
Align the text in stylized text objects to the center. |
0x004D |
Align the text in stylized text objects to the right side. |
0x004E |
Set the alignment for stylized text objects to letter justify. |
0x0050 |
Set the alignment for stylized text objects to word justify. |
0x0051 |
Set the alignment for stylized text objects to stretch justify. |
0x0052 |
Set the text spacing for stylized text objects to very tight. |
0x0053 |
Set the text spacing for stylized text objects to tight. |
0x0054 |
Set the text spacing for stylized text objects to normal. |
0x0055 |
Set the text spacing for stylized text objects to loose. |
0x0056 |
Set the text spacing for stylized text objects to very loose. |
0x0057 |
Kern character pairs that exist in the text in stylized text objects. |
0x0058 |
Edit the text in a stylized text object. |
0x0059 |
Increase the contrast of the picture. |
0x005A |
Decrease the contrast of the picture. |
0x005B |
Increase the brightness of the picture. |
0x005C |
Decrease the brightness of the picture. |
0x005D |
Reset the picture to the default settings. |
0x005E |
Use automatic picture colors. |
0x005F |
Display the picture in grayscale. |
0x0060 |
Display picture in black and white. |
0x0061 |
Add a watermark to the picture. |
0x0062 |
Set the picture to be inline with the text. |
0x0067 |
Show the shadow settings. |
0x0068 |
Show more shadow colors. |
0x0069 |
Nudge the shadow up. |
0x006A |
Nudge the shadow down. |
0x006B |
Nudge the shadow to the left. |
0x006C |
Nudge the shadow to the right. |
0x006D |
Show the 3-D settings. |
0x006E |
Show more 3-D colors. |
0x006F |
Toggle the 3-D options on or off. |
0x0070 |
Tilt the 3-D drawing objects down. |
0x0071 |
Tilt the 3-D drawing objects up. |
0x0072 |
Tilt the 3-D drawing objects to the left. |
0x0073 |
Tilt the 3-D drawing objects to the right. |
0x0074 |
Set the 3-D depth to 0 points. |
0x0075 |
Set the 3-D depth to 36 points. |
0x0076 |
Set the 3-D depth to 72 points. |
0x0077 |
Set the 3-D depth to 144 points. |
0x0078 |
Set the 3-D depth to 288 points. |
0x0079 |
Set the 3-D depth to infinity. |
0x007A |
Set the 3-D direction to perspective. |
0x007B |
Set the 3-D direction to parallel. |
0x007C |
Set the 3-D lighting to bright. |
0x007D |
Set the 3-D lighting to normal. |
0x007E |
Set the 3-D lighting to dim. |
0x007F |
Set the 3-D surface to matte. |
0x0080 |
Set the 3-D surface to plastic. |
0x0081 |
Set the 3-D surface to metal. |
0x0082 |
Set the 3-D surface to wire frame. |
0x0087 |
Select drawing objects. |
0x0088 |
Drag a rectangle to select multiple drawing objects. |
0x008C |
Insert a line shape. |
0x008D |
Insert an arrow shape. |
0x008E |
Insert a double arrow shape. |
0x008F |
Insert an arc shape. |
0x0090 |
Insert a polygon shape. |
0x0091 |
Insert a filled polygon shape. |
0x0092 |
Insert a curve shape. |
0x0093 |
Insert a freeform shape. |
0x0094 |
Insert a filled freeform shape. |
0x0095 |
Insert a scribble shape. |
0x0098 |
Insert a text box. |
0x009D |
Insert a straight connector shape. |
0x009E |
Insert an elbow connector shape. |
0x009F |
Insert a curved connector shape. |
0x00A1 |
Set the fill color to no color. |
0x00A2 |
Use standard colors to fill a shape. |
0x00A3 |
Use recently used colors to fill a shape. |
0x00A4 |
Set the line color to no color. |
0x00A5 |
Use standard colors for a line. |
0x00A6 |
Use recently used colors for a line. |
0x00A8 |
Use standard colors for a shadow. |
0x00A9 |
Use recently used colors for a shadow. |
0x00AB |
Use automatic colors for a 3-D shape.. |
0x00AC |
Use standard colors for a 3-D shape. |
0x00AD |
Use recently used colors for a 3-D shape. |
0x00BD |
Select the gradient foreground color from the standard colors. |
0x00C7 |
Select from all recently used colors. |
0x00DF |
Select from colors that were recently used for a line. |
0x00E0 |
Select from colors that were recently used for a shadow. |
0x00E1 |
Select from colors that were recently used for a 3-D shape. |
0x00E2 |
Reroute the connectors. |
0x00E3 |
Change the selected connector to a straight connector. |
0x00E4 |
Change the selected connector to an elbow connector. |
0x00E5 |
Change the selected connector to a curved connector. |
0x00E6 |
Toggle the fill color on or off. |
0x00E7 |
Toggle the line color on or off. |
0x00E8 |
Toggle the shadow on or off. |
0x00EB |
Edit the picture. |
0x00EC |
Format the shape object. |
0x00F0 |
Show the options for stylized text objects. |
0x00F1 |
Show the toolbar for stylized text objects. |
0x00FD |
Show the options for patterned lines. |
0x010A |
Add text to the drawing object. |
0x010B |
Set the shadow opacity. |
0x010C |
Exit edit point mode. |
0x010D |
Insert a vertical text box. |
0x010E |
Exit rotate mode. |
0x010F |
Show the picture toolbar. |
0x0110 |
Set the selected shape as the default shape. |
0x0112 |
Insert a straight arrow connector shape. |
0x0113 |
Insert an elbow arrow connector shape. |
0x0114 |
Insert a curved arrow connector shape. |
0x0115 |
Insert a straight double-arrow connector shape. |
0x0116 |
Insert an elbow double-arrow connector shape. |
0x0117 |
Insert a curved double-arrow connector shape. |
0x0118 |
Set the transparent color. |
0x0119 |
Show the gallery for stylized text objects. The gallery is a series of sample images that illustrate the various stylized text objects available. Any option might be customized after it has been selected from the gallery. |
0x011A |
Show the automatic shapes and drawing toolbars. |
0x011D |
Delete a line segment from a shape. |
0x0122 |
Select objects. |
0x0136 |
Insert a script on the Web page. |
0x0139 |
Open the task pane for clip art. |
0x013A |
Insert a picture from the clip organizer. |
0x013B |
Insert a movie from the clip organizer. |
0x013C |
Insert a sound from the clip organizer. |
0x013D |
Show the automatic shapes from the clip organizer. |
0x013F |
Select multiple objects. |
0x0140 |
Insert a new drawing canvas. |
0x0141 |
Insert an organizational chart diagram. |
0x0142 |
Insert a radial diagram. |
0x0143 |
Insert a cycle diagram. |
0x0144 |
Insert a pyramid diagram. |
0x0145 |
Insert a target diagram. |
0x0146 |
Insert a Venn diagram. |
0x0147 |
Insert a subordinate node for an organizational chart. |
0x0148 |
Insert a coworker node for an organizational chart. |
0x0149 |
Insert an assistant node for an organizational chart. |
0x014A |
Delete the diagram node. |
0x014B |
Set the organizational chart layout to standard. |
0x014C |
Set the organizational chart layout to both hanging. |
0x014D |
Set the organizational chart layout to right hanging. |
0x014E |
Set the organizational chart layout to left hanging. |
0x014F |
Change the diagram style. |
0x0151 |
Convert the selected diagram to a Venn diagram. |
0x0152 |
Convert the selected diagram to a radial diagram. |
0x0153 |
Convert the selected diagram to a cycle diagram. |
0x0154 |
Convert the selected diagram to a target diagram. |
0x0155 |
Convert the selected diagram to a pyramid diagram. |
0x0156 |
Move the diagram shape backward. |
0x0157 |
Move the diagram shape forward. |
0x0158 |
Insert a shape into diagram. |
0x0159 |
Insert a diagram. |
0x015B |
Fit the diagram to the canvas. |
0x015C |
Resize the drawing canvas. |
0x015D |
Show the drawing canvas toolbar. |
0x015F |
Expand the drawing canvas. |
0x0179 |
Align the diagram relative to the drawing canvas, rather than relative to the page or to other objects. |
0x017A |
Select the level inside the organizational chart. |
0x017B |
Select the branch inside the organizational chart. |
0x017C |
Select all the assistants. |
0x017D |
Select all the connector shapes. |
0x017E |
Delete the shape from the diagram. |
0x017F |
Reverse the direction of the diagram. |
0x0180 |
Set the diagram layout to automatic layout. |
0x0181 |
Set the organizational chart layout to automatic layout. |
0x0187 |
Show the compress pictures options. |
0x018D |
Fit the diagram to its contents. |
0x018E |
Resize the diagram. |
0x018F |
Expand the diagram. |
0x0190 |
Fit the organizational chart to its contents. |
0x01F5 |
Resize the organizational chart. |
0x01F6 |
Expand the organizational chart. |
0x01F7 |
Change the style for the organizational chart. |
0x01F8 |
Insert a shape in the organizational chart. |
0x01F9 |
Use automatic formatting for the organizational chart. |
0x01FB |
Scale the drawing canvas. |
0x01FC |
Scale the organizational chart. |
0x01FD |
Scale the diagram. |
0x01FF |
Align the selection relative to the organizational chart it is contained in. |
0x0200 |
Align the selection relative to the diagram it is contained in. |
0x0204 |
Select from recently used ink colors. |
0x0206 |
Select from recently used annotation colors. |
0x0208 |
Set the ink style to Color 1. |
0x0209 |
Set the ink style to Color 2. |
0x020A |
Set the ink style to Color 3. |
0x020B |
Set the ink style to Color 4. |
0x020C |
Set the ink style to Color 5. |
0x020D |
Set the ink style to Color 6. |
0x020E |
Set the ink style to Color 7. |
0x020F |
Set the ink style to Color 8. |
0x0210 |
Set the ink style to Color 9. |
0x0211 |
Set the annotation style to Color 1. |
0x0212 |
Set the annotation style to Color 2. |
0x0213 |
Set the annotation style to Color 3. |
0x0214 |
Set the annotation style to Color 4. |
0x0215 |
Set the annotation style to Color 5. |
0x0216 |
Set the annotation style to Color 6. |
0x0217 |
Set the annotation style to Color 7. |
0x0218 |
Set the annotation style to Color 8. |
0x0219 |
Set the annotation style to Color 9. |
0x021A |
Show the ink drawing and writing toolbar. |
0x021B |
Show the ink annotations toolbar. |
0x021C |
Delete all the ink annotations in the document. |
0x021E |
Toggle the ink drawing/writing mode. |
0x0220 |
Exit ink mode. |
0x0221 |
Use the ink eraser. |
0x0222 |
Use the annotation eraser. |
0x0223 |
Exit ink annotation mode. |
0x0224 |
Use the ballpoint pen for ink. |
0x0225 |
Use the felt tip pen for ink. |
0x0226 |
Use the highlighter pen for ink. |
0x0227 |
Fit text inside the organizational chart. |
0x0228 |
Set the eyedropper fill color. |
0x0229 |
Set the eyedropper line color. |
0x022A |
Set the eyedropper shadow color. |
0x022B |
Set the eyedropper 3-D color. |
0x022C |
Set the picture fill. |
0x022D |
Align the selected objects relative to the page. |
0x022E |
Align all drawing objects relative to the page. |
0x0235 |
Horizontally distribute the drawing objects. |
0x0236 |
Vertically distribute the drawing objects. |
0x023A |
Insert a space inside the ink shape. |
0x0242 |
Use the ballpoint pen for ink annotation. |
0x0243 |
Use the felt tip pen for ink annotation. |
0x0244 |
Use the highlighter pen for ink annotation. |
0x0245 |
Show additional color and line options. |
0x0248 |
Align the drawing objects to the nearest margin. |
0x0249 |
Show additional size options. |
0x024B |
Show more pen colors. |
0x024C |
Show the gradient options. |
0x024D |
Show the texture options. |
0x024E |
Show the pattern options. |
0x024F |
Close the ink tools. |
0x1001 |
Insert a rectangle shape. |
0x1002 |
Insert a rounded rectangle shape. |
0x1003 |
Insert an oval shape. |
0x1004 |
Insert a diamond shape. |
0x1005 |
Insert an isosceles triangle shape. |
0x1006 |
Insert a right triangle shape. |
0x1007 |
Insert a parallelogram shape. |
0x1008 |
Insert a trapezoid shape. |
0x1009 |
Insert a hexagon shape. |
0x100A |
Insert an octagon shape. |
0x100B |
Insert a cross shape. |
0x100C |
Insert a 5-point star shape. |
0x100D |
Insert a right arrow shape. |
0x100F |
Insert a pentagon shape. |
0x1010 |
Insert a cube shape. |
0x1011 |
Insert a balloon shape. |
0x1013 |
Insert an arc shape. |
0x1015 |
Insert a plaque shape. |
0x1016 |
Insert a can shape. |
0x1017 |
Insert a donut shape. |
0x1029 |
Insert a Line Callout 2 (no border) shape. |
0x102A |
Insert a Line Callout 3 (no border) shape. |
0x102B |
Insert a Line Callout 4 (no border) shape. |
0x102C |
Insert a Line Callout 2 (accent bar) shape. |
0x102D |
Insert a Line Callout 3 (accent bar) shape. |
0x102E |
Insert a Line Callout 4 (accent bar) shape. |
0x102F |
Insert a Line Callout 2 shape. |
0x1030 |
Insert a Line Callout 3 shape. |
0x1031 |
Insert a Line Callout 4 shape. |
0x1032 |
Insert a Line Callout 2 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x1033 |
Insert a Line Callout 3 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x1034 |
Insert a Line Callout 4 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x1035 |
Insert a down ribbon shape. |
0x1036 |
Insert an up ribbon shape. |
0x1037 |
Insert a chevron shape. |
0x1038 |
Insert a regular pentagon shape. |
0x1039 |
Insert a no symbol shape. |
0x103A |
Insert an 8-point star shape. |
0x103B |
Insert a 16-point star shape. |
0x103C |
Insert a 32-point star shape. |
0x103D |
Insert a rectangular callout shape. |
0x103E |
Insert a rounded rectangular callout shape. |
0x103F |
Insert an oval callout shape. |
0x1040 |
Insert a wave shape. |
0x1041 |
Insert a folded corner shape. |
0x1042 |
Insert a left arrow shape. |
0x1043 |
Insert a down arrow shape. |
0x1044 |
Insert an up arrow shape. |
0x1045 |
Insert a left-right arrow shape. |
0x1046 |
Insert an up-down arrow shape. |
0x1047 |
Insert an Explosion 1 shape. |
0x1048 |
Insert an Explosion 2 shape. |
0x1049 |
Insert a lightning bolt shape. |
0x104A |
Insert a heart shape. |
0x104C |
Insert a quad arrow shape. |
0x104D |
Insert a left-arrow callout shape. |
0x104E |
Insert a right-arrow callout shape. |
0x104F |
Insert an up-arrow callout shape. |
0x1050 |
Insert a down-arrow callout shape. |
0x1051 |
Insert a left-right arrow callout shape. |
0x1052 |
Insert an up-down arrow callout shape. |
0x1053 |
Insert a quad-arrow callout shape. |
0x1054 |
Insert a bevel shape. |
0x1055 |
Insert a left bracket shape. |
0x1056 |
Insert a right bracket shape. |
0x1057 |
Insert a left brace shape. |
0x1058 |
Insert a right brace shape. |
0x1059 |
Insert a left-up arrow shape. |
0x105A |
Insert a bent-up arrow shape. |
0x105B |
Insert a bent arrow shape. |
0x105C |
Insert a 24-point star shape. |
0x105D |
Insert a striped right-arrow shape. |
0x105E |
Insert a notched right-arrow shape. |
0x105F |
Insert a block arc shape. |
0x1060 |
Insert a smiling face shape. |
0x1061 |
Insert a vertical scroll shape. |
0x1062 |
Insert a horizontal scroll shape. |
0x1063 |
Insert a circular arrow shape. |
0x1064 |
Insert a reserved shape. |
0x1065 |
Insert a U-turn arrow shape. |
0x1066 |
Insert a curved right-arrow shape. |
0x1067 |
Insert a curved left-arrow shape. |
0x1068 |
Insert a curved up-arrow shape. |
0x1069 |
Insert a curved down-arrow shape. |
0x106A |
Insert a cloud callout shape. |
0x106B |
Insert a curved-down ribbon shape. |
0x106C |
Insert a curved-up ribbon shape. |
0x106D |
Insert a flowchart process shape. |
0x106E |
Insert a flowchart decision shape. |
0x106F |
Insert a flowchart data shape. |
0x1070 |
Insert a flowchart predefined-process shape. |
0x1071 |
Insert a flowchart internal-storage shape. |
0x1072 |
Insert a flowchart document shape. |
0x1073 |
Insert a flowchart multiple-document shape. |
0x1074 |
Insert a flowchart terminator shape. |
0x1075 |
Insert a flowchart preparation shape. |
0x1076 |
Insert a flowchart manual-input shape. |
0x1077 |
Insert a flowchart manual-operation shape. |
0x1078 |
Insert a flowchart connector shape. |
0x1079 |
Insert a flowchart card shape. |
0x107A |
Insert a flowchart punched-tape shape. |
0x107B |
Insert a flowchart summing-junction shape. |
0x107C |
Insert a flowchart OR shape. |
0x107D |
Insert a flowchart collate shape. |
0x107E |
Insert a flowchart sort shape. |
0x107F |
Insert a flowchart extract shape. |
0x1080 |
Insert a flowchart merge shape. |
0x1081 |
Insert a flowchart offline-storage shape. |
0x1082 |
Insert a flowchart stored-data shape. |
0x1083 |
Insert a flowchart sequential-access storage shape. |
0x1084 |
Insert a flowchart magnetic-disk shape. |
0x1085 |
Insert a flowchart direct-access storage shape. |
0x1086 |
Insert a flowchart display shape. |
0x1087 |
Insert a flowchart delay shape. |
0x10B0 |
Insert a flowchart alternate-process shape. |
0x10B1 |
Insert a flowchart off-page connector shape. |
0x10B2 |
Insert a Line Callout 1 (no border) shape. |
0x10B3 |
Insert a Line Callout 1 (accent bar) shape. |
0x10B4 |
Insert a Line Callout 1 shape. |
0x10B5 |
Insert a Line Callout 1 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x10B6 |
Insert a left-right-up arrow shape. |
0x10B7 |
Insert a sun shape. |
0x10B8 |
Insert a moon shape. |
0x10B9 |
Insert a double bracket shape. |
0x10BA |
Insert a double brace shape. |
0x10BB |
Insert a 4-point star shape. |
0x10BC |
Insert a double wave shape. |
0x10CC |
Insert a minus sign shape. |
0x10CD |
Insert a multiply sign shape. |
0x10CE |
Insert a division sign shape. |
0x10CF |
Insert an equal sign shape. |
0x10D0 |
Insert a not-equal sign shape. |
0x10D1 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has a single snipped corner. |
0x10D2 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has two snipped corners on the same side. |
0x10D3 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has two snipped corners diagonally across from one another. |
0x10D4 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has one rounded and one snipped corner on the same side. |
0x10D5 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has a single rounded corner. |
0x10D6 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has two rounded corners on the same side. |
0x10D7 |
Insert a rectangle shape which has two rounded corners diagonally across from one another. |
0x10D8 |
Insert a decagon shape. |
0x10D9 |
Insert a dodecagon shape. |
0x10DA |
Insert a diagonal stripe shape. |
0x10DB |
Insert a teardrop shape. |
0x10DC |
Insert a chord shape. |
0x10DD |
Insert a heptagon shape. |
0x10DE |
Insert a frame shape. |
0x10DF |
Insert a half-frame shape. |
0x10E0 |
Insert a pie shape. |
0x10E1 |
Insert an L-shape shape. |
0x10E2 |
Insert a 6-point star shape. |
0x10E3 |
Insert a 7-point star shape. |
0x10E4 |
Insert a 10-point star shape. |
0x10E5 |
Insert a 12-point star shape. |
0x10E6 |
Insert a cloud shape. |
0x2001 |
Change the selected shape to a rectangle shape. |
0x2002 |
Change the selected shape to a rounded rectangle shape. |
0x2003 |
Change the selected shape to an oval shape. |
0x2004 |
Change the selected shape to a diamond shape. |
0x2005 |
Change the selected shape to an isosceles triangle shape. |
0x2006 |
Change the selected shape to a right triangle shape. |
0x2007 |
Change the selected shape to a parallelogram shape. |
0x2008 |
Change the selected shape to a trapezoid shape. |
0x2009 |
Change the selected shape to a hexagon shape. |
0x200A |
Change the selected shape to an octagon shape. |
0x200B |
Change the selected shape to a cross shape. |
0x200C |
Change the selected shape to a 5-point star shape. |
0x200D |
Change the selected shape to a right arrow shape. |
0x200F |
Change the selected shape to a pentagon shape. |
0x2010 |
Change the selected shape to a cube shape. |
0x2013 |
Change the selected shape to an arc shape. |
0x2015 |
Change the selected shape to a plaque shape. |
0x2016 |
Change the selected shape to a can shape. |
0x2017 |
Change the selected shape to a donut shape. |
0x2029 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 2 (no border) shape. |
0x202A |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 3 (no border) shape. |
0x202B |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 4 (no border) shape. |
0x202C |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 2 (accent bar) shape. |
0x202D |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 3 (accent bar) shape. |
0x202E |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 4 (accent bar) shape. |
0x202F |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 2 shape. |
0x2030 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 3 shape. |
0x2031 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 4 shape. |
0x2032 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 2 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x2033 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 3 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x2034 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 4 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x2035 |
Change the selected shape to a down ribbon shape. |
0x2036 |
Change the selected shape to an up ribbon shape. |
0x2037 |
Change the selected shape to a chevron shape. |
0x2038 |
Change the selected shape to a regular pentagon shape. |
0x2039 |
Change the selected shape to a no symbol shape. |
0x203A |
Change the selected shape to an 8-point star shape. |
0x203B |
Change the selected shape to a 16-point star shape. |
0x203C |
Change the selected shape to a 32-point star shape. |
0x203D |
Change the selected shape to a rectangular callout shape. |
0x203E |
Change the selected shape to a rounded-rectangular callout shape. |
0x203F |
Change the selected shape to an oval callout shape. |
0x2040 |
Change the selected shape to a wave shape. |
0x2041 |
Change the selected shape to a folded corner shape. |
0x2042 |
Change the selected shape to a left arrow shape. |
0x2043 |
Change the selected shape to a down arrow shape. |
0x2044 |
Change the selected shape to an up arrow shape. |
0x2045 |
Change the selected shape to a left-right arrow shape. |
0x2046 |
Change the selected shape to an up-down arrow shape. |
0x2047 |
Change the selected shape to an Explosion 1 shape. |
0x2048 |
Change the selected shape to an Explosion 2 shape. |
0x2049 |
Change the selected shape to lightning bolt shape. |
0x204A |
Change the selected shape to a heart shape. |
0x204C |
Change the selected shape to a quad arrow shape. |
0x204D |
Change the selected shape to a left-arrow callout shape. |
0x204E |
Change the selected shape to a right-arrow callout shape. |
0x204F |
Change the selected shape to an up-arrow callout shape. |
0x2050 |
Change the selected shape to a down-arrow callout shape. |
0x2051 |
Change the selected shape to a left-right arrow callout shape. |
0x2052 |
Change the selected shape to an up-down arrow callout shape. |
0x2053 |
Change the selected shape to a quad-arrow callout shape. |
0x2054 |
Change the selected shape to a bevel shape. |
0x2055 |
Change the selected shape to a left bracket shape. |
0x2056 |
Change the selected shape to a right bracket shape. |
0x2057 |
Change the selected shape to a left brace shape. |
0x2058 |
Change the selected shape to a right brace shape. |
0x2059 |
Change the selected shape to a left-up arrow shape. |
0x205A |
Change the selected shape to a bent-up arrow shape. |
0x205B |
Change the selected shape to a bent arrow shape. |
0x205C |
Change the selected shape to a 24-point star shape. |
0x205D |
Change the selected shape to a striped right-arrow shape. |
0x205E |
Change the selected shape to a notched right-arrow shape. |
0x205F |
Change the selected shape to a block arc shape. |
0x2060 |
Change the selected shape to a smiling face shape. |
0x2061 |
Change the selected shape to a vertical scroll shape. |
0x2062 |
Change the selected shape to a horizontal scroll shape. |
0x2063 |
Change the selected shape to a circular arrow shape. |
0x2065 |
Change the selected shape to a U-turn arrow shape. |
0x2066 |
Change the selected shape to a curved right-arrow shape. |
0x2067 |
Change the selected shape to a curved left-arrow shape. |
0x2068 |
Change the selected shape to a curved up-arrow shape. |
0x2069 |
Change the selected shape to a curved down-arrow shape. |
0x206A |
Change the selected shape to a cloud callout shape. |
0x206B |
Change the selected shape to a curved-down ribbon shape. |
0x206C |
Change the selected shape to a curved-up ribbon shape. |
0x206D |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart process shape. |
0x206E |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart decision shape. |
0x206F |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart data shape. |
0x2070 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart predefined-process shape. |
0x2071 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart internal-storage shape. |
0x2072 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart document shape. |
0x2073 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart multiple-document shape. |
0x2074 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart terminator shape. |
0x2075 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart preparation shape. |
0x2076 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart manual-input shape. |
0x2077 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart manual-operation shape. |
0x2078 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart connector shape. |
0x2079 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart card shape. |
0x207A |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart punched-tape shape. |
0x207B |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart summing-junction shape. |
0x207C |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart OR shape. |
0x207D |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart collate shape. |
0x207E |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart sort shape. |
0x207F |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart extract shape. |
0x2080 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart merge shape. |
0x2082 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart stored-data shape. |
0x2083 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart sequential-access storage shape. |
0x2084 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart magnetic-disk shape. |
0x2085 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart direct-access storage shape. |
0x2086 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart display shape. |
0x2087 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart delay shape. |
0x20B0 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart alternate-process shape. |
0x20B1 |
Change the selected shape to a flowchart off-page connector shape. |
0x20B2 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 1 (no border) shape. |
0x20B3 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 1 (accent bar) shape. |
0x20B4 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 1 shape. |
0x20B5 |
Change the selected shape to a Line Callout 1 (border and accent bar) shape. |
0x20B6 |
Change the selected shape to a left-right-up arrow shape. |
0x20B7 |
Change the selected shape to a sun shape. |
0x20B8 |
Change the selected shape to a moon shape. |
0x20B9 |
Change the selected shape to a double bracket shape. |
0x20BA |
Change the selected shape to a double brace shape. |
0x20BB |
Change the selected shape to a 4-point star shape. |
0x20BC |
Change the selected shape to a double wave shape. |