2.7.16 DopTypography
The DopTypography structure contains East Asian language typography settings.
1 |
2 |
3 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
reserved |
cchFollowingPunct |
cchLeadingPunct |
rgxchFPunct (202 bytes) |
... |
... |
... |
rgxchLPunct (102 bytes) |
... |
... |
... |
A - fKerningPunct (1 bit): Specifies whether to kern punctuation characters as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 1, Section noPunctuationKerning, where the meaning of noPunctuationKerning is the opposite of fKerningPunct.
B - iJustification (2 bits): Specifies the character-level whitespace compression as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 1, Section characterSpacingControl. This value MUST be one of the following.
0 (default)
C - iLevelOfKinsoku (2 bits): This value MAY<198> specify which set of line breaking rules to use for East Asian characters. This value MUST be one of the following.
0 (default)
Chinese (Simplified)
Cannot start a line:
!%),.:;>?]}¢¨°·ˇˉ―‖’"…‰′″›℃∶、。〃〉》」』】〕〗〞︶︺︾﹀﹄﹚﹜﹞!"%'),.:;?]`|}~¢Cannot end a line:$([{£¥·‘"〈《「『【〔〖〝﹙﹛﹝$(.[{£¥
Chinese (Traditional)
Cannot start a line:
!),.:;?]}¢·–—’"•‥…‧′╴、。〉》」』】〕〞︰︱︳︴︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹄﹏﹐﹑﹒﹔﹕﹖﹗﹚﹜﹞!),.:;?]|}、Cannot end a line:
Cannot start a line:
!%),.:;?]}¢°’"‰′″℃、。々〉》」』】〕゛゜ゝゞ・ヽヾ!%),.:;?]}。」、・゙゚¢Cannot end a line:
Cannot start a line:
!%),.:;?]}¢°’"′″℃〉》」』】〕!%),.:;?]}¢Cannot end a line:
Identical to 0 for all but Japanese where the following is used:
Cannot start a line:
!%),.:;?]}¢°’"‰′″℃、。々〉》」』】〕ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎ゛゜ゝゞァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶ・ーヽヾ!%),.:;?]}。」、・ァィゥェォャュョッー゙゚¢Cannot end a line:
The characters that are forbidden to be used for starting or ending a line are specified by rgxchFPunct and rgxchLPunct.
D - f2on1 (1 bit): Specifies whether to print two pages per sheet, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 1, Section printTwoOnOne.
E - unused (1 bit): This value is undefined and MUST be ignored.
F - iCustomKsu (3 bits): This value specifies for what language the characters in rgxchFPunct are kinsoku overrides<199>. All other languages act according to the description of iLevelOfKinsoku with a value of 0. This MUST be one of the following values.
Language identifier
0 (default)
No language
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
G - fJapaneseUseLevel2 (1 bit): This value specifies that line breaking rules for Japanese acts according to the description of iLevelOfKinsoku with a value of 1<200>. The default value is 0.
reserved (5 bits): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.
cchFollowingPunct (2 bytes): A signed integer that specifies the number of characters in rgxchFPunct. This MUST be a value between 0x0000 and 0x0064 inclusive. By default, this value is 0x0000.
cchLeadingPunct (2 bytes): A signed integer that specifies the number of characters in rgxchLPunct. This MUST be a value between 0x0000 and 0x0032, inclusive. By default, this value is 0x0000.
rgxchFPunct (202 bytes): An array of cchFollowingPunct Unicode characters that cannot start a line if the language of the text matches the language specified in iCustomKsu. If iCustomKsu has a value of 0, this array has no effect on the document.
rgxchLPunct (102 bytes): An array of cchLeadingPunct Unicode characters that cannot end a line if the language of the text matches the language specified in iCustomKsu. If iCustomKsu has a value of 0, this array has no effect on the document.