Cells.SetWidth method (Word)

Sets the width of columns or cells in a table.


expression. SetWidth( _ColumnWidth_ , _RulerStyle_ )

expression Required. A variable that represents a 'Cells' collection.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ColumnWidth Required Single The width of the specified column or columns, in points.
RulerStyle Required WdRulerStyle Controls the way Word adjusts cell widths.


The WdRulerStyle behavior described above applies to left-aligned tables. The WdRulerStyle behavior for center- and right-aligned tables can be unexpected; in these cases, the SetWidth method should be used with care.


This example creates a table in a new document and sets the width of the first cell in the second row to 1.5 inches. The example preserves the widths of the other cells in the table.

Set newDoc = Documents.Add 
Set myTable = _ 
 newDoc.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=3, _ 
myTable.Cell(2,1).SetWidth _ 
 ColumnWidth:=InchesToPoints(1.5), _ 

This example sets the width of the cell that contains the insertion point to 36 points. The example also narrows the first column to preserve the position of the right edge of the table.

If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then 
 Selection.Cells(1).SetWidth ColumnWidth:=36, _ 
 MsgBox "The insertion point is not in a table." 
End If

See also

Cells Collection Object

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