Running Save as Web Page from the command line

The Save as Web Page feature is automatically installed with each Visio product. It is installed as a Visio add-on that has the name SaveAsWeb.

To run the Save as Web Page feature from the command-line interface, you call the SaveAsWeb add-on and use the desired command-line options.

You can choose either of the following techniques.

Create a formula that uses the RUNADDONWARGS function in a shape's event section

You can do this in the ShapeSheet window without writing any code. For example, you could create a shape and insert a call to RUNADDONWARGS in the shape's double-click event. A user would need only to double-click the shape to create a webpage from the drawing. You can also use Automation to set formulas by using the Formula property of the Cell object of the Visio object model.

For details about the RUNADDONWARGS function, Cell object, or Formula property, see the Visio Developer Reference (Help > Search > Developer Reference).

For more details about using the RUNADDONWARGS function with Save as Web Page, see Using the RUNADDONWARGS function later in this topic.

Write a Visual Basic macro in Visio (or write code in a separate component) that launches the SaveAsWeb add-on by using the Visio Automation object model

Use the Run method of the Addon object and pass the command-line parameters to specify the properties of the webpage.

Using this technique may mean that you would write less code than if you used the Save as Web Page object model to specify parameters, but using the Run method requires familiarity with command-line parameters.

For details about the Addon object or Run method, see the Visio Developer Reference (Help > Search > Developer Reference).

For more details about using the Run method to call Save as Web Page, see Calling the Run method of the SaveAsWeb add-on later in this topic.

Save as Web Page command-line options

The format for command-line parameters is as follows: /option=value

For example, the following code sets the target parameter: /target=c:\temp\mypage.htm

The following table lists the command-line options for the Save as Web Page command-line interface. The Method/Property name column lists the corresponding method or property in the object model. For details about a particular option, see the corresponding method or property topic in this reference.

Option Default Value type Method/Property name
target None. You must supply a target value or Visio will generate an error. Text TargetPath
pagetitle Same as document file name Text PageTitle
prop TRUE Boolean PropControl
altformat TRUE Boolean AltFormat
folder TRUE Boolean StoreInFolder
theme Null Text ThemeName
startpage -1 (all pages) Number StartPage
endpage -1 (all pages) Number EndPage
openbrowser TRUE Boolean OpenBrowser
screenres 1024x768 Text/Number1 DispScreenRes
priformat XAML Text/Number1 PriFormat
secformat PNG Text/Number1 SecFormat
silent FALSE Boolean SilentMode
quiet FALSE Boolean QuietMode
stylesheet \ your_Visio_path\your_language_ID\Default.css Text Stylesheet
navbar TRUE Boolean NavBar
search TRUE Boolean Search
panzoom TRUE Boolean PanAndZoom

For the text/number value type, the user may specify text (such as vml) for the output type, or a number (for example, 1) representing the index of this output type. Each output type will have its own unique index.

For screenres, text and number values are defined by the VISWEB_DISP_RES enumeration.

Using the RUNADDONWARGS function

The following shows one way to use the RUNADDONWARGS function to call the SaveAsWeb add-on.

=RUNADDONWARGS("SaveAsWeb","/target=c:\temp\mypage.htm /quiet /prop /startpage=1 /endpage=3 /altformat /priformat=vml /secformat=jpg /openbrowser")

A scenario previously mentioned in this topic described a user being able to merely double-click a shape in a drawing to produce a webpage for that drawing. To demonstrate this, you can place the previous formula in the EventDblClick cell of the Events section in the ShapeSheet window of any shape on your drawing page (to open the ShapeSheet window, select a shape in the drawing window, and then on the Developer tab, choose Show ShapeSheet). After the formula is entered in the ShapeSheet cell, you can double-click that shape in the drawing window to launch the Save as Web Page feature.

For more information about the RUNADDONWARGS function, the EventDblClick cell, and the Events section, see the Visio Developer Reference (Help > Search > Developer Reference).

Calling the Run method of the SaveAsWeb add-on

The Save as Web Page feature is installed as a Visio add-on called SaveAsWeb. To get a reference to this add-on, use the Addons collection of the Visio Application object.

The following example shows how to run the SaveAsWeb add-on by passing command-line parameters to the Run method of the Addon object.

In this example, the code that launches the add-on is contained in an event handler for the DocumentSaved event. The QuietMode property is set to True so that the Save as Web Page dialog boxes are not displayed in the user interface.

Private Sub Document_DocumentSaved(ByVal Document As IVDocument) 
    Application.Addons("SaveAsWeb").Run "/quiet=True /target=C:\temp\test.htm" 
End Sub

For more information about the Addons collection, the Application and Addon objects, and the DocumentSaved event, see the Visio Automation Reference (Help > Search > Developer Reference).

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