VisSaveAsWeb.WebPageSettings property

Returns a VisWebPageSettings object that represents the webpage settings that will be used for the Save as Web Page operation. Read-only.



expression An expression that returns a VisSaveAsWeb object.


Use the WebPageSettings property to get a VisWebPageSettings object. You can then use the VisWebPageSettings object to get and set the properties of your webpage.


This example shows the simplest way to create a webpage. Because no properties of the VisWebPageSettings object are set (except the TargetPath property, which is required), all the default settings apply, and the active document is saved.

Before running this macro, replace path with a valid target path on your computer and replace filename.htm with the file name that you want to assign to your webpage.

Public Sub WebPageSettings_Example() 
 Dim vsoSaveAsWeb As VisSaveAsWeb 
 Dim vsowebSettings As VisWebPageSettings 
 Set vsoSaveAsWeb = Visio.Application.SaveAsWebObject 
 Set vsoWebSettings = vsoSaveAsWeb.WebPageSettings 
 vsoWebSettings.TargetPath = "path\filename.htm" 
End Sub

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