Shape.Disconnect method (Visio)

Unglues the specified connector end points and offsets them the specified amount from the shapes to which they were joined.


expression. Disconnect( _ConnectorEnd_ , _OffsetX_ , _OffsetY_ , _Units_ )

expression A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ConnectorEnd Required VisConnectorEnds The end of the connector to disconnect.
OffsetX Required Double The x-distance that the connector end is moved away from the shape.
OffsetY Required Double The y-distance that the connector end is moved away from the shape.
Units Required VisUnitCodes The units of measure for the assigned offset values.

Return value



ConnectorEnd must be one of the following VisConnectorEnds constants.

Constant Value Description
visConnectorBeginPoint 0 The begin point of the connector.
visConnectorEndPoint 1 The end point of the connector.
visConnectorBothEnds 2 Both the begin and the end point of the connector.

When you call Disconnect on a connector shape (a 1D routable shape), one or both endpoints of the connector are unglued from their target shapes, based on the specified ConnectorEnd parameter value. If a specified endpoint is not glued, Microsoft Visio takes no action.

Visio offsets the endpoint(s) from their current position by the amount specified by OffsetX , OffsetY , and Units. Offset values of 0 mean that the endpoints don't move.

The Disconnect method does not apply to non-connector shapes. If you call Disconnect on a non-connector shape or on a shape in a master, Visio returns an Invalid Source error.

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