Shape.AddSection method (Visio)

Adds a new section to a ShapeSheet spreadsheet.


expression. AddSection( _Section_ )

expression A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Section Required Integer The type of section to add.

Return value



The AddSection method is frequently used to add one or more Geometry sections to a shape. You can also use AddSection to add other sections to a shape such as Scratch, Controls, Connection Points, Actions, User-Defined Cells and ShapeData. The AddSection method returns the logical index of the added section.

The sections that you can add to a shape correspond to the choices shown by the Insert Section dialog box when the shape is displayed in a ShapeSheet window.

If you try to add a non-Geometry section to a shape that already has that section, the AddSection method raises an exception. Use the SectionExists property to determine if a shape already has a section with a given logical index.

A new section has no rows. Use the AddRow method to add rows to the new section.

The GeometryCount property returns the number of Geometry sections included in a shape. Use the following code to add a Geometry section to a shape:

Shape.AddSection(visSectionFirstComponent + i) 

where 0 <= i < visSectionLastComponent - visSectionFirstComponent.

  • When 0 <= i < Shape.GeometryCount, the new section precedes the present i'th Geometry section.

  • When Shape.GeometryCount <= i < visSectionLastComponent - visSectionFirstComponent, the new section is the last section.


The following macro shows how to add a Scratch section to the ShapeSheet of a rectangle. Before running this macro, make sure a drawing page is active in the Visio window.

Public Sub AddSection_Example() 
 Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page 
 Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape 
 'Get the active page. 
 Set vsoPage = ActivePage 
 'Draw a rectangle on the active page. 
 Set vsoShape = vsoPage.DrawRectangle(1, 5, 5, 1) 
 'Add a scratch section to the ShapeSheet. 
 vsoShape.AddSection visSectionScratch 
End Sub

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