WebPageOptions.BackgroundSoundLoopCount property (Publisher)

Returns a Long value that specifies the number of times the background sound attached to a webpage is played when the page is loaded in a web browser. Read-only.



expression A variable that represents a WebPageOptions object.

Return value



The SetBackgroundSoundRepeat method can be used to specify the number of times that the background sound file is played when the page is loaded. If using the SetBackgroundSoundRepeat method to specify the number of times that the background file is played, the BackgroundSoundLoopCount property will be equal to that specified value. Note that valid values range from 1 to 999, inclusive. Attempting to set this value outside this range will result in a run-time error.

Until the SetBackgroundSoundRepeat method is used to change the number of times that the background sound file is played, BackgroundSoundLoopCount is 1.


The following example sets the background sound for page four of the active web publication to a .wav file on the local computer. If BackgroundSoundLoopCount is less than three, the SetBackgroundSoundRepeat method is used to specify that the background sound be repeated three times. The BackgroundSoundLoopCount property will now be three.

Dim theWPO As WebPageOptions 
Set theWPO = ActiveDocument.Pages(4).WebPageOptions 
With theWPO 
 .BackgroundSound = "C:\CompanySounds\corporate_jingle.wav" 
 If .BackgroundSoundLoopCount < 3 Then 
 .SetBackgroundSoundRepeat RepeatForever:=False, RepeatTimes:=3 
 End If 
End With

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