TextRange.BoundWidth property (Publisher)

Returns a Single indicating the width, in points, of the bounding box for the specified text range. Read-only.



expression A variable that represents a TextRange object.

Return value



The following example displays the position, width, and height of the bounding box surrounding the text in the first shape on page one of the active publication.

Dim rngText As TextRange 
Dim strMessage As String 
Set rngText = ActiveDocument.Pages(1) _ 
With rngText 
 strMessage = "Text frame information" & vbCrLf _ 
 & " Distance from left edge of page: " _ 
 & .BoundLeft & " points" & vbCrLf _ 
 & " Distance from top edge of page: " _ 
 & .BoundTop & " points" & vbCrLf _ 
 & " Width: " & .BoundWidth & " points" & vbCrLf _ 
 & " Height: " & .BoundHeight & " points" 
End With 
MsgBox strMessage

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