Font.Shrink method (Publisher)

Decreases the font size to the next available size. If the selection or range contains more than one font size, each size is decreased to the next available setting.



expression A variable that represents a Font object.


Applying the Shrink method to text that is already the smallest size allowed by Microsoft Publisher (0.5 point) has no effect.


This example inserts a line of increasingly smaller Zs in a new document.

Dim shpText As Shape 
Dim trTemp As TextRange 
Dim intCount As Integer 
Set shpText = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes _ 
 .AddTextbox(Orientation:=pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _ 
 Left:=100, Top:=100, Width:=300, Height:=50) 
Set trTemp = shpText.TextFrame.TextRange 
With trTemp 
 .Font.Size = 45 
 .InsertAfter NewText:="ZZZZZZZZZZ" 
 For intCount = 2 To 10 
 .Characters(Start:=intCount, _ 
 Length:=11 - intCount).Font.Shrink 
 Next intCount 
End With

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