Application.WizardCatalogVisible property (Publisher)

Returns or sets a Boolean indicating whether the Wizard Catalog is visible. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents an Application object.

Return value



The following example stores the current state of the Wizard Catalog so that it can restore it later.

Sub WizardCatalogExample() 
 Dim blnWizardCatalog As Boolean 
 ' Store current state of Wizard Catalog. 
 blnWizardCatalog = Application.WizardCatalogVisible 
 ' Code can run here that shows or hides the Wizard 
 ' Catalog as necessary; the original setting 
 ' will be restored at the end of the procedure. 
 ' Restore original state of Wizard Catalog. 
 Application.WizardCatalogVisible = blnWizardCatalog 
End Sub

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