CommandButton.Locked Property (Outlook Forms Script)

Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether a control can be edited. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a CommandButton object.


True represents that the value of the control cannot be edited. False represents that the value can be edited (default).

When a control is locked and enabled, it can still initiate events and can still receive the focus.

The Enabled and Locked properties work together to achieve the following effects:

  • If Enabled and Locked are both True, the control can receive focus and appears normally (not dimmed) in the form. The user can copy, but not edit, data in the control.

  • If Enabled is True and Locked is False, the control can receive focus and appears normally in the form. The user can copy and edit data in the control.

  • If Enabled is False and Locked is True, the control cannot receive focus and is dimmed in the form. The user can neither copy nor edit data in the control.

  • If Enabled and Locked are both False, the control cannot receive focus and is dimmed in the form. The user can neither copy nor edit data in the control.

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