ShdwType Cell (Page Properties Section)
Indicates the default shadow type for a page.
Value | Description | Automation constant |
1 |
Simple |
visFSTSimple |
2 |
Oblique |
visFSTOblique |
3 |
Inner |
visFSTInner |
The shadow type described in this cell is used whenever the ShapeShdwType Cell (the shadow type for an individual shape on the page) is set to Page Default (visFSTPageDefault ).
Simple shadow types are described as offset shadows in the user interface (UI). A simple shadow gives the effect of the shape being shadowed onto a parallel plane located some distance behind it. Oblique shadows are described as oblique shadows in the UI and give the effect of a shadow being cast onto a plane perpendicular to the shape.
For a list of predefined simple and oblique shadow types, see the Style list on the Shadows tab of the Page Setup dialog box (on the Design tab, click the Page Setup arrow).
To get a reference to the ShdwType cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the CellsU property, use:
Value | |
Cell name: |
ShdwType |
To get a reference to the ShdwType cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Value | |
Section index: |
visSectionObject |
Row index: |
visRowPage |
Cell index: |
visPageShdwType |