DisplayLevel Cell (Shape Layout Section)
Determines the display level band (the relative range of Z-order grouping) for the shape.
Z-order is the display order for shapes on the drawing page. A shape that is higher in the Z-order appears in front of a shape that is lower in the Z-order when one of the shapes overlays the other one.
The display level divides shapes into groupings, or bands. All shapes in a given band have a higher Z-order than the shapes in a lower band. By default, most shapes have a display level of zero (0).
The range of display levels is from -32,767 to +32,767. Shapes that have the same display level are combined into a single band, within which they are also ranked relative to one another by Z-order.
You can change the Z-order of shapes within a band by using the commands Bring Forward, Send Backward, Bring to Front, and Send to Back. If those commands move a shape out of its given band, Microsoft Visio displays the reserved value -32768 in the shape's DisplayLevel cell, unless the cell is guarded. In that case, the shape cannot be moved to a different band, and Visio displays the warning "Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command."
To get a reference to the DisplayLevel cell by name from another formula or from a program by using the CellsU property, use the following.
Value | |
Cell name: |
DisplayLevel |
To get a reference to the DisplayLevel cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Value | |
Section index: |
visSectionObject |
Row index: |
visRowShapeLayout |
Cell index: |
visSLODisplayLevel |