Add, Change, or Delete Rows in the ShapeSheet

You can add new rows, change the type for existing rows, or delete rows in the ShapeSheet in Microsoft Visio.

To add a new row to a section in the ShapeSheet

  1. Select a cell in the existing row.

  2. In the Rows group on the Design tab under ShapeSheet Tools, click Insert to insert the row after the existing row.

    Or right-click the cell, and then click Insert Row or Insert Row After ( Geometry section only) on the shortcut menu.

To change a row's type in the ShapeSheet

  • Right-click a row label or cell, and then click Change Row Type on the shortcut menu.


    If Change Row Type is unavailable, the ShapeSheet section may not allow other row types.

To delete a row in the ShapeSheet

  1. Select a cell in the row you want to delete.

  2. In the Rows group on the Design tab under ShapeSheet Tools, click Delete. Or right-click the cell, and then click Delete Row on the shortcut menu. The following rows move up one row in the section.