Creating Form Templates Using the InfoPath 2003 Object Model
This section discusses initialization and clean-up code, how to add event handlers, how to debug and deploy InfoPath form templates that use the InfoPath 2003-compatible object model, threading support, and working with Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) from InfoPath managed-code solutions.
In this section
Initialization and Clean-up Code Using InfoPath 2003 Object Model
Discusses how to write initialization and clean-up code in the _Startup and _Shutdown methods of your project.
Add an Event Handler Using the InfoPath 2003 Object Model
Discusses how to add event handlers and the attributes that are applied to identify event handlers.
Debug InfoPath Projects Using the InfoPath 2003 Object Model
Discusses how to debug InfoPath managed-code projects.
Deploy InfoPath Form Templates with Code
Discusses how to deploy InfoPath managed-code projects.
Threading Support in InfoPath Projects Using the InfoPath 2003 Object Model
Discusses threading support in InfoPath managed-code projects.
Working with MSXML and System.Xml Using the InfoPath 2003 Object Model
Discusses how to work with MSXML and System.Xml code in InfoPath managed-code projects.