SortColumn property (RDS)

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

Indicates by which column to sort the records.


DataControl.SortColumn = String


Parameter Description
DataControl An object variable that represents an RDS.DataControl object.
String A String value that represents the name or alias of the column by which to sort the records.


The SortColumn, SortDirection, FilterValue, FilterCriterion, and FilterColumn properties provide sorting and filtering functionality on the client-side cache. The sorting functionality orders records by values from one column. The filtering functionality displays a subset of records based on find criteria, while the full Recordset is maintained in the cache. The Reset method will execute the criteria and replace the current Recordset with an updatable Recordset.

To sort on a Recordset, you must first save any pending changes. If you are using the RDS.DataControl, you can use the SubmitChanges method. For example, if your RDS.DataControl is named ADC1, your code would be ADC1.SubmitChanges . If you are using an ADO Recordset, you can use its UpdateBatch method. Using UpdateBatch is the recommended method for Recordset objects created with the CreateRecordset method. For example, your code could be myRS.UpdateBatch or . If you are using an ADO Recordset, you can use its UpdateBatch method. Using UpdateBatch is the recommended method for Recordset objects created with the CreateRecordset method. For example, your code could be myRS.UpdateBatch or ADC1.Recordset.UpdateBatch .