Command object overview

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

With the collections, methods, and properties of a Command object, you can do the following:

  • Define the executable text of the command (for example, a SQL statement or a stored procedure) by using the CommandText property.

  • Define parameterized queries or stored procedure arguments by using Parameter objects and the Parameters collection.

  • Execute a command and return a Recordset object, if appropriate, by using the Execute method.

  • Specify the type of command by using the CommandType property prior to execution to optimize performance.

  • Control whether the provider saves a prepared (or compiled) version of the command prior to execution by using the Prepared property.

  • Set the number of seconds that a provider will wait for a command to execute by using the CommandTimeout property.

  • Associate an open connection with a Command object by setting its ActiveConnection property.

  • Set the Name property to identify the Command object as a method on the associated Connection object.

  • Pass a Command object to the Source property of a Recordset in order to obtain data.