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SIP response code 488

This article provides troubleshooting information for various combinations of the SIP 488 error and Microsoft response codes.

531000 488 InternalDiagCode: CannotSupportAnyMedia, InternalErrorPhrase: Invalid SDP offer: no media acceptable

531000 488 InternalDiagCode: SrtpEncryptionRequired, InternalErrorPhrase: Remote participant did not offer required SRTP support

531027 488 There are no ICE candidates in the SDP. Non-ice endpoints cannot use bypass

531052 488 Cannot negotiate a new modality with blackhole media

  • Microsoft response code: 531052
  • SIP response code: 488
  • Suggested actions:
    • Check the SBC configuration to determine why it sends an SIP message with SDP that has a connection address of Microsoft SIP stack doesn't support this scenario. For more information, see Deviations from the RFCs.